[openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Waines, Greg Greg.Waines at windriver.com
Tue Sep 5 12:29:31 UTC 2017

This worked !!!

i.e. used your collectd.conf file
used taskset to stress cpu-0
was able to see metrics change thru CSV plugin
was able to see notification get generated thru threshold definition and python plugin

thanks a lot,

p.s. I added back in the vitrage python plugin (in addition to the collectd-notification-dump python plugin),
        and re-did test ... but didn’t see any vitrage alarms.
        I’ve collected logs for Ifat and will follow up with her

From: "Mytnyk, VolodymyrX" <volodymyrx.mytnyk at intel.com>
Reply-To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Date: Friday, September 1, 2017 at 5:08 AM
To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Cc: "TAHHAN, MARYAM" <maryam.tahhan at intel.com>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Hi Greg,

“I believe you can only have one python plugin defined, so I commented out the vitrage related one.”

-          VM: no, you can use several python plugins at the same time. The ` LoadPlugin python` should be mentioned only once in the configuration.

Also, based on the whole configuration file you attached, there are few more plugin enabled except cpu, python and threshold like df, disk etc.

Please try my collectd configuration file, which enables just logfile, csv, python (for monitoring metrics and dumping the notifications) and threshold (generate notification when ), cpu for generating the CPU notification. Just fix the highlighted path in the collectd config file below. Once it works for you, enable vitrage collectd plugin (and all other interesting plugins) in the configuration.

To see what metrics are dispatched by collectd (example for cpu 0, idle):
tail -F <path of collectd csv plugin>/var/lib/collectd/csv/devstack-vitrage/cpu-0/percent-idle-2017-09-01

Once, the notification is generated, you should see the notification in /tmp/python-notifications.dump (see the example below).

To stress the CPU 0 (and generate the notification), use this command:
taskset 0x01 yes > /dev/null

Thanks and Regards,

host: devstack-vitrage
plugin: cpu
plugin_instance: 0
type: percent
type_instance: idle
time: 1504255457.13
severity: 1
message: Host devstack-vitrage, plugin cpu (instance 0) type percent (instance idle): Data source "value" is currently 17.379679. That is below the failure threshold of 20.000000.

host: devstack-vitrage
plugin: cpu
plugin_instance: 0
type: percent
type_instance: idle
time: 1504255472.13
severity: 4
message: Host devstack-vitrage, plugin cpu (instance 0) type percent (instance idle): All data sources are within range again. Current value of "value" is 63.533333.

Hostname "devstack-vitrage"
FQDNLookup true
Interval 15

LoadPlugin logfile
LoadPlugin csv

<Plugin "logfile">
  LogLevel "info"
  File "/work-dir/collectd/install/var/log/collectd.log"
  Timestamp true

<Plugin csv>
  DataDir "/work-dir/collectd/install/var/lib/collectd/csv"

LoadPlugin cpu

<Plugin cpu>
       ReportByCpu true
       ReportByState true
       ValuesPercentage true

LoadPlugin python

<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/etc"
  LogTraces true
  Interactive false
  Import "collectd_notification_dump"

LoadPlugin "threshold"

<Plugin "threshold">
  <Host "devstack-vitrage">
    <Plugin "cpu">
      <Type "percent">
        Instance "idle"
        FailureMin 20

import collectd

def notify(n):
  f = open('/tmp/python-notifications.dump', 'a')
  f.write('host: {}\n'.format(n.host))
  f.write('plugin: {}\n'.format(n.plugin))
  f.write('plugin_instance: {}\n'.format(n.plugin_instance))
  f.write('type: {}\n'.format(n.type))
  f.write('type_instance: {}\n'.format(n.type_instance))
  f.write('time: {}\n'.format(n.time))
  f.write('severity: {}\n'.format(n.severity))
  f.write('message: {}\n'.format(n.message))


From: Waines, Greg [mailto:Greg.Waines at windriver.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 8:38 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Cc: Tahhan, Maryam <maryam.tahhan at intel.com>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Hey Volodymyr
... thanks for taking a look at this.

I tried your suggestion.
I believe you can only have one python plugin defined, so I commented out the vitrage related one.
I restarted collectd ... sudo systemctl restart collectd ... which issued no warnings or errors.

But /tmp/python-notifications.dump has not even been created.
SOOO I’m assuming that means there are no collectd NOTIFICATIONS being raised.
I’m sure that’s because I don’t have the correct plugin / threshold configuration for like cpu or memory or disk setup to generate notifications.

Can you take a quick look at my collectd.conf file below.
I have a brief version with just the python and cpu and threshold plugins.
And I have the full file pasted below as well.

thanks in advance for helping me out,

stack at devstack-vitrage:~$ cat /etc/collectd_notification_dump.py
import collectd

def notify(n):
  f = open('/tmp/python-notifications.dump', 'a')
  f.write('host: {}\n'.format(n.host))
  f.write('plugin: {}\n'.format(n.plugin))
  f.write('plugin_instance: {}\n'.format(n.plugin_instance))
  f.write('type: {}\n'.format(n.type))
  f.write('type_instance: {}\n'.format(n.type_instance))
  f.write('time: {}\n'.format(n.time))
  f.write('severity: {}\n'.format(n.severity))
  f.write('message: {}\n'.format(n.message))


stack at devstack-vitrage:~$

stack at devstack-vitrage:~$ cat /etc/collectd/collectd.conf

LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin python


<Plugin cpu>
       ReportByCpu true
       ReportByState true
       ValuesPercentage true

<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/etc"
  LogTraces true
  Interactive false
  Import "collectd_notification_dump"


LoadPlugin "threshold"
<Plugin "threshold">
  <Host "devstack-vitrage">
    <Plugin "cpu">
        Instance "wait"
        FailureMax 12
        FailureMin 10



p.s. ... here is my complete collectd.conf file

stack at devstack-vitrage:~$ cat /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
# Config file for collectd(1).
# Some plugins need additional configuration and are disabled by default.
# Please read collectd.conf(5) for details.
# You should also read /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/README.Debian.plugins
# before enabling any more plugins.

# Global                                                                     #
# Global settings for the daemon.                                            #

Hostname "devstack-vitrage"
FQDNLookup true
#BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd"
#PluginDir "/usr/lib/collectd"
#TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db" "/etc/collectd/my_types.db"

# When enabled, plugins are loaded automatically with the default options    #
# when an appropriate <Plugin ...> block is encountered.                     #
# Disabled by default.                                                       #
#AutoLoadPlugin false

# When enabled, internal statistics are collected, using "collectd" as the   #
# plugin name.                                                               #
# Disabled by default.                                                       #
#CollectInternalStats false

# Interval at which to query values. This may be overwritten on a per-plugin #
# base by using the 'Interval' option of the LoadPlugin block:               #
#   <LoadPlugin foo>                                                         #
#       Interval 60                                                          #
#   </LoadPlugin>                                                            #
Interval 15

#MaxReadInterval 86400
#Timeout         2
#ReadThreads     5
#WriteThreads    5

# Limit the size of the write queue. Default is no limit. Setting up a limit
# is recommended for servers handling a high volume of traffic.
#WriteQueueLimitHigh 1000000
#WriteQueueLimitLow   800000

# Logging                                                                    #
# Plugins which provide logging functions should be loaded first, so log     #
# messages generated when loading or configuring other plugins can be        #
# accessed.                                                                  #

LoadPlugin logfile
LoadPlugin syslog
#LoadPlugin log_logstash

#<Plugin logfile>
#      LogLevel "info"
#      File STDOUT
#      Timestamp true
#      PrintSeverity false
<Plugin "logfile">
  LogLevel "info"
  File "/var/log/collectd.log"
  Timestamp true

<Plugin syslog>
       LogLevel info
       NotifyLevel OKAY

#<Plugin log_logstash>
#      LogLevel info
#      File "/var/log/collectd.json.log"

# LoadPlugin section                                                         #
# Specify what features to activate.                                         #

#LoadPlugin aggregation
#LoadPlugin amqp
#LoadPlugin apache
#LoadPlugin apcups
#LoadPlugin ascent
#LoadPlugin barometer
LoadPlugin battery
#LoadPlugin bind
#LoadPlugin ceph
#LoadPlugin cgroups
#LoadPlugin conntrack
#LoadPlugin contextswitch
LoadPlugin cpu
#LoadPlugin cpufreq
LoadPlugin csv
#LoadPlugin curl
#LoadPlugin curl_json
#LoadPlugin curl_xml
#LoadPlugin dbi
LoadPlugin df
LoadPlugin disk
#LoadPlugin dns
#LoadPlugin drbd
#LoadPlugin email
LoadPlugin entropy
#LoadPlugin ethstat
LoadPlugin exec
#LoadPlugin fhcount
#LoadPlugin filecount
#LoadPlugin fscache
#LoadPlugin gmond
#LoadPlugin hddtemp
LoadPlugin interface
#LoadPlugin ipc
#LoadPlugin ipmi
#LoadPlugin iptables
#LoadPlugin ipvs
LoadPlugin irq
#LoadPlugin java
LoadPlugin load
#LoadPlugin lvm
#LoadPlugin madwifi
#LoadPlugin mbmon
#LoadPlugin md
#LoadPlugin memcachec
#LoadPlugin memcached
LoadPlugin memory
#LoadPlugin modbus
#LoadPlugin multimeter
#LoadPlugin mysql
#LoadPlugin netlink
#LoadPlugin network
#LoadPlugin nfs
#LoadPlugin nginx
#LoadPlugin notify_desktop
#LoadPlugin notify_email
#LoadPlugin ntpd
#LoadPlugin numa
#LoadPlugin nut
#LoadPlugin olsrd
#LoadPlugin openldap
#LoadPlugin openvpn
#LoadPlugin perl
#LoadPlugin pinba
#LoadPlugin ping
#LoadPlugin postgresql
#LoadPlugin powerdns
LoadPlugin processes
#LoadPlugin protocols
LoadPlugin python
#LoadPlugin redis
#LoadPlugin rrdcached
LoadPlugin rrdtool
#LoadPlugin sensors
#LoadPlugin serial
#LoadPlugin sigrok
#LoadPlugin smart
#LoadPlugin snmp
#LoadPlugin statsd
LoadPlugin swap
#LoadPlugin table
#LoadPlugin tail
#LoadPlugin tail_csv
#LoadPlugin tcpconns
#LoadPlugin teamspeak2
#LoadPlugin ted
#LoadPlugin thermal
#LoadPlugin tokyotyrant
#LoadPlugin turbostat
#LoadPlugin unixsock
#LoadPlugin uptime
LoadPlugin users
#LoadPlugin uuid
#LoadPlugin varnish
#LoadPlugin virt
#LoadPlugin vmem
#LoadPlugin vserver
#LoadPlugin wireless
#LoadPlugin write_graphite
#LoadPlugin write_http
#LoadPlugin write_kafka
#LoadPlugin write_log
#LoadPlugin write_redis
#LoadPlugin write_riemann
#LoadPlugin write_sensu
#LoadPlugin write_tsdb
#LoadPlugin zfs_arc
#LoadPlugin zookeeper

# Plugin configuration                                                       #
# In this section configuration stubs for each plugin are provided. A desc-  #
# ription of those options is available in the collectd.conf(5) manual page. #

<Plugin aggregation>
              #Host "unspecified"
              Plugin "cpu"
              PluginInstance "/[0,2,4,6,8]$/"
              Type "cpu"
              #TypeInstance "unspecified"

              SetPlugin "cpu"
              SetPluginInstance "even-%{aggregation}"

              GroupBy "Host"
              GroupBy "TypeInstance"

              CalculateNum false
              CalculateSum false
              CalculateAverage true
              CalculateMinimum false
              CalculateMaximum false
              CalculateStddev false

#<Plugin amqp>
#      <Publish "name">
#             Host "localhost"
#             Port "5672"
#             VHost "/"
#             User "guest"
#             Password "guest"
#             Exchange "amq.fanout"
#             RoutingKey "collectd"
#             Persistent false
#             StoreRates false
#             ConnectionRetryDelay 0
#      </Publish>

#<Plugin apache>
#      <Instance "foo">
#             URL "http://localhost/server-status?auto"
#             User "www-user"
#             Password "secret"
#             VerifyPeer false
#             VerifyHost false
#             CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
#             Server "apache"
#      </Instance>
#      <Instance "bar">
#             URL "http://some.domain.tld/status?auto"
#             Host "some.domain.tld"
#             Server "lighttpd"
#      </Instance>

#<Plugin apcups>
#      Host "localhost"
#      Port "3551"
#      ReportSeconds true

#<Plugin ascent>
#      URL "http://localhost/ascent/status/"
#      User "www-user"
#      Password "secret"
#      VerifyPeer false
#      VerifyHost false
#      CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"

#<Plugin barometer>
#      Device            "/dev/i2c-0";
#      Oversampling      512
#      PressureOffset    0.0
#      TemperatureOffset 0.0
#      Normalization     2
#      Altitude          238.0
#      TemperatureSensor "myserver/onewire-F10FCA000800/temperature"

#<Plugin battery>
#      ValuesPercentage false
#      ReportDegraded false

#<Plugin bind>
#      URL "http://localhost:8053/"
#      ParseTime false
#      OpCodes true
#      QTypes true
#      ServerStats true
#      ZoneMaintStats true
#      ResolverStats false
#      MemoryStats true
#      <View "_default">
#             QTypes true
#             ResolverStats true
#             CacheRRSets true
#             Zone "127.in-addr.arpa/IN"
#      </View>

#<Plugin ceph>
#      LongRunAvgLatency false
#      ConvertSpecialMetricTypes true
#      <Daemon "osd.0">
#             SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok"
#      </Daemon>
#      <Daemon "osd.1">
#             SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.1.asok"
#      </Daemon>
#      <Daemon "mon.a">
#             SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.ceph1.asok"
#      </Daemon>
#      <Daemon "mds.a">
#             SocketPath "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mds.ceph1.asok"
#      </Daemon>

#<Plugin cgroups>
#      CGroup "libvirt"
#      IgnoreSelected false

<Plugin cpu>
       ReportByCpu true
       ReportByState true
       ValuesPercentage true

<Plugin csv>
       DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/csv"
       StoreRates false

#<Plugin curl>
#      <Page "stock_quotes">
#             URL "http://finance.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AAMD"
#             User "foo"
#             Password "bar"
#             Digest false
#             VerifyPeer true
#             VerifyHost true
#             CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
#             Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar"
#             Post "foo=bar"
#             MeasureResponseTime false
#             MeasureResponseCode false
#             <Match>
#                    Regex "<span +class=\"pr\"[^>]*> *([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+) *</span>"
#                    DSType "GaugeAverage"
#                    Type "stock_value"
#                    Instance "AMD"
#             </Match>
#      </Page>

#<Plugin curl_json>
## See: http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Runtime_Statistics
#  <URL "http://localhost:5984/_stats">
#    Instance "httpd"
#    <Key "httpd/requests/count">
#      Type "http_requests"
#    </Key>
#    <Key "httpd_request_methods/*/count">
#      Type "http_request_methods"
#    </Key>
#    <Key "httpd_status_codes/*/count">
#      Type "http_response_codes"
#    </Key>
#  </URL>
## Database status metrics:
#  <URL "http://localhost:5984/_all_dbs">
#    Instance "dbs"
#    <Key "*/doc_count">
#      Type "gauge"
#    </Key>
#    <Key "*/doc_del_count">
#      Type "counter"
#    </Key>
#    <Key "*/disk_size">
#      Type "bytes"
#    </Key>
#  </URL>

#<Plugin curl_xml>
#      <URL "http://localhost/stats.xml">
#             Host "my_host"
#             Instance "some_instance"
#             User "collectd"
#             Password "thaiNg0I"
#             Digest false
#             VerifyPeer true
#             VerifyHost true
#             CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
#             Header "X-Custom-Header: foobar"
#             Post "foo=bar"
#             <XPath "table[@id=\"magic_level\"]/tr">
#                    Type "magic_level"
#                    InstancePrefix "prefix-"
#                    InstanceFrom "td[1]"
#                    ValuesFrom "td[2]/span[@class=\"level\"]"
#             </XPath>
#      </URL>

#<Plugin dbi>
#      <Query "num_of_customers">
#             Statement "SELECT 'customers' AS c_key, COUNT(*) AS c_value \
#                          FROM customers_tbl"
#             MinVersion 40102
#             MaxVersion 50042
#             <Result>
#                    Type "gauge"
#                    InstancePrefix "customer"
#                    InstancesFrom "c_key"
#                    ValuesFrom "c_value"
#             </Result>
#      </Query>
#      <Database "customers_db">
#             Driver "mysql"
#             DriverOption "host" "localhost"
#             DriverOption "username" "collectd"
#             DriverOption "password" "secret"
#             DriverOption "dbname" "custdb0"
#             SelectDB "custdb0"
#             Query "num_of_customers"
#             Query "..."
#             Host "..."
#      </Database>

<Plugin df>
#      Device "/dev/sda1"
#      Device ""
#      MountPoint "/home"
#      FSType "ext3"

       # ignore rootfs; else, the root file-system would appear twice, causing
       # one of the updates to fail and spam the log
       FSType rootfs
       # ignore the usual virtual / temporary file-systems
       FSType sysfs
       FSType proc
       FSType devtmpfs
       FSType devpts
       FSType tmpfs
       FSType fusectl
       FSType cgroup
       IgnoreSelected true

#      ReportByDevice false
#      ReportInodes false

#      ValuesAbsolute true
#      ValuesPercentage false

#<Plugin disk>
#      Disk "hda"
#      Disk "/sda[23]/"
#      IgnoreSelected false
#      UseBSDName false
#      UdevNameAttr "DEVNAME"

#<Plugin dns>
#      Interface "eth0"
#      IgnoreSource ""
#      SelectNumericQueryTypes false

#<Plugin email>
#      SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-email"
#      SocketGroup "collectd"
#      SocketPerms "0770"
#      MaxConns 5

#<Plugin ethstat>
#      Interface "eth0"
#      Map "rx_csum_offload_errors" "if_rx_errors" "checksum_offload"
#      Map "multicast" "if_multicast"
#      MappedOnly false

#<Plugin exec>
#      Exec user "/path/to/exec"
#      Exec "user:group" "/path/to/exec"
#      NotificationExec user "/path/to/exec"
<Plugin exec>
  NotificationExec "user" "/usr/lib/collectd/notify.sh"

#<Plugin fhcount>
#      ValuesAbsolute true
#      ValuesPercentage false

#<Plugin filecount>
#      <Directory "/path/to/dir">
#             Instance "foodir"
#             Name "*.conf"
#             MTime "-5m"
#             Size "+10k"
#             Recursive true
#             IncludeHidden false
#      </Directory>

#<Plugin gmond>
#      MCReceiveFrom "" "8649"
#      <Metric "swap_total">
#             Type "swap"
#             TypeInstance "total"
#             DataSource "value"
#      </Metric>
#      <Metric "swap_free">
#             Type "swap"
#             TypeInstance "free"
#             DataSource "value"
#      </Metric>

#<Plugin hddtemp>
#      Host ""
#      Port 7634

<Plugin interface>
       Interface "ens3"
       IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin ipmi>
#      Sensor "some_sensor"
#      Sensor "another_one"
#      IgnoreSelected false
#      NotifySensorAdd false
#      NotifySensorRemove true
#      NotifySensorNotPresent false

#<Plugin iptables>
#      Chain "table" "chain"
#      Chain6 "table" "chain"

#<Plugin irq>
#      Irq 7
#      Irq 8
#      Irq 9
#      IgnoreSelected true

#<Plugin java>
#      JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
#      JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar"
#      LoadPlugin "org.collectd.java.GenericJMX"
#      <Plugin "GenericJMX">
#             # See /usr/share/doc/collectd/examples/GenericJMX.conf
#             # for an example config.
#      </Plugin>

#<Plugin load>
#      ReportRelative true

#<Plugin madwifi>
#      Interface "wlan0"
#      IgnoreSelected false
#      Source "SysFS"
#      WatchSet "None"
#      WatchAdd "node_octets"
#      WatchAdd "node_rssi"
#      WatchAdd "is_rx_acl"
#      WatchAdd "is_scan_active"

#<Plugin mbmon>
#      Host ""
#      Port 411

#<Plugin md>
#      Device "/dev/md0"
#      IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin memcachec>
#      <Page "plugin_instance">
#             Server "localhost"
#             Key "page_key"
#             <Match>
#                    Regex "(\\d<file:///d>+) bytes sent"
#                    ExcludeRegex "<lines to be excluded>"
#                    DSType CounterAdd
#                    Type "ipt_octets"
#                    Instance "type_instance"
#             </Match>
#      </Page>

#<Plugin memcached>
#      <Instance "local">
#             Socket "/var/run/memcached.sock"
# or:
#             Host ""
#             Port "11211"
#      </Instance>

<Plugin memory>
       ValuesAbsolute true
       ValuesPercentage false

#<Plugin modbus>
#      <Data "data_name">
#             RegisterBase 1234
#             RegisterCmd ReadHolding
#             RegisterType float
#             Type gauge
#             Instance "..."
#      </Data>
#      <Host "name">
#             Address "addr"
#             Port "1234"
#             Interval 60
#             <Slave 1>
#                    Instance "foobar" # optional
#                    Collect "data_name"
#             </Slave>
#      </Host>

#<Plugin mysql>
#      <Database db_name>
#             Host "database.serv.er"
#             Port "3306"
#             User "db_user"
#             Password "secret"
#             Database "db_name"
#             MasterStats true
#             ConnectTimeout 10
#             InnodbStats true
#      </Database>
#      <Database db_name2>
#             Alias "squeeze"
#             Host "localhost"
#             Socket "/var/run/mysql/mysqld.sock"
#             SlaveStats true
#             SlaveNotifications true
#      </Database>

#<Plugin netlink>
#      Interface "All"
#      VerboseInterface "All"
#      QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0"
#      Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10"
#      Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0"
#      IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin network>
#      # client setup:
#      Server "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
#      <Server "" "25826">
#             SecurityLevel Encrypt
#             Username "user"
#             Password "secret"
#             Interface "eth0"
#             ResolveInterval 14400
#      </Server>
#      TimeToLive 128
#      # server setup:
#      Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
#      <Listen "" "25826">
#             SecurityLevel Sign
#             AuthFile "/etc/collectd/passwd"
#             Interface "eth0"
#      </Listen>
#      MaxPacketSize 1452
#      # proxy setup (client and server as above):
#      Forward true
#      # statistics about the network plugin itself
#      ReportStats false
#      # "garbage collection"
#      CacheFlush 1800

#<Plugin nginx>
#      URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
#      User "www-user"
#      Password "secret"
#      VerifyPeer false
#      VerifyHost false
#      CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"

#<Plugin notify_desktop>
#      OkayTimeout 1000
#      WarningTimeout 5000
#      FailureTimeout 0

#<Plugin notify_email>
#      SMTPServer "localhost"
#      SMTPPort 25
#      SMTPUser "my-username"
#      SMTPPassword "my-password"
#      From "collectd at main0server.com<mailto:collectd at main0server.com>"
#      # <WARNING/FAILURE/OK> on <hostname>.
#      # Beware! Do not use not more than two placeholders (%)!
#      Subject "[collectd] %s on %s!"
#      Recipient "email1 at domain1.net<mailto:email1 at domain1.net>"
#      Recipient "email2 at domain2.com<mailto:email2 at domain2.com>"

#<Plugin ntpd>
#      Host "localhost"
#      Port 123
#      ReverseLookups false
#      IncludeUnitID true

#<Plugin nut>
#      UPS "upsname at hostname:port"

#<Plugin olsrd>
#      Host ""
#      Port "2006"
#      CollectLinks "Summary"
#      CollectRoutes "Summary"
#      CollectTopology "Summary"

#<Plugin openldap>
#      <Instance "localhost">
#             URL "ldap://localhost:389"
#             StartTLS false
#             VerifyHost true
#             CACert "/path/to/ca.crt"
#             Timeout -1
#             Version 3
#      </Instance>

#<Plugin openvpn>
#      StatusFile "/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log"
#      ImprovedNamingSchema false
#      CollectCompression true
#      CollectIndividualUsers true
#      CollectUserCount false

#<Plugin perl>
#      IncludeDir "/my/include/path"
#      BaseName "Collectd::Plugins"
#      EnableDebugger ""
#      LoadPlugin Monitorus
#      LoadPlugin OpenVZ
#      <Plugin foo>
#             Foo "Bar"
#             Qux "Baz"
#      </Plugin>

#<Plugin pinba>
#      Address "::0"
#      Port "30002"
#      <View "name">
#             Host "host name"
#             Server "server name"
#             Script "script name"
#      <View>

#<Plugin ping>
#      Host "host.foo.bar"
#      Host "host.baz.qux"
#      Interval 1.0
#      Timeout 0.9
#      TTL 255
#      SourceAddress ""
#      Device "eth0"
#      MaxMissed -1

#<Plugin postgresql>
#      <Query magic>
#             Statement "SELECT magic FROM wizard WHERE host = $1;"
#             Param hostname
#             <Result>
#                    Type gauge
#                    InstancePrefix "magic"
#                    ValuesFrom "magic"
#             </Result>
#      </Query>
#      <Query rt36_tickets>
#             Statement "SELECT COUNT(type) AS count, type \
#                               FROM (SELECT CASE \
#                                           WHEN resolved = 'epoch' THEN 'open' \
#                                           ELSE 'resolved' END AS type \
#                                           FROM tickets) type \
#                               GROUP BY type;"
#             <Result>
#                    Type counter
#                    InstancePrefix "rt36_tickets"
#                    InstancesFrom "type"
#                    ValuesFrom "count"
#             </Result>
#      </Query>
#      <Writer sqlstore>
#             # See /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/postgresql/collectd_insert.sql for details
#             Statement "SELECT collectd_insert($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);"
#             StoreRates true
#      </Writer>
#      <Database foo>
#             Host "hostname"
#             Port 5432
#             User "username"
#             Password "secret"
#             SSLMode "prefer"
#             KRBSrvName "kerberos_service_name"
#             Query magic
#      </Database>
#      <Database bar>
#             Interval 60
#             Service "service_name"
#             Query backend # predefined
#             Query rt36_tickets
#      </Database>
#      <Database qux>
#             Service "collectd_store"
#             Writer sqlstore
#             # see collectd.conf(5) for details
#             CommitInterval 30
#      </Database>

#<Plugin powerdns>
#      <Server "server_name">
#             Collect "latency"
#             Collect "udp-answers" "udp-queries"
#             Socket "/var/run/pdns.controlsocket"
#      </Server>
#      <Recursor "recursor_name">
#             Collect "questions"
#             Collect "cache-hits" "cache-misses"
#             Socket "/var/run/pdns_recursor.controlsocket"
#      </Recursor>
#      LocalSocket "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd-powerdns"

#<Plugin processes>
#      Process "name"
#      ProcessMatch "foobar" "/usr/bin/perl foobar\\.pl.*"

#<Plugin protocols>
#      Value "/^Tcp:/"
#      IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin python>
#      ModulePath "/path/to/your/python/modules"
#      LogTraces true
#      Interactive true
#      Import "spam"
#      <Module spam>
#             spam "wonderful" "lovely"
#      </Module>

# <Plugin python>
        # ModulePath "/opt/stack/vitrage/vitrage/datasources/collectd/"
        # LogTraces true
        # Interactive false
        # Import "collectd_vitrage.vitrageplugin"
        # Import "collectd_vitrage.getsigchld"
        # <Module "collectd_vitrage.vitrageplugin">
                # transport_url "rabbit://stackrabbit:admin@"
        # </Module>
# </Plugin>

<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/etc"
  LogTraces true
  Interactive false
  Import "collectd_notification_dump"

#<Plugin redis>
#      <Node example>
#             Host "redis.example.com"
#             Port "6379"
#             Timeout 2000
#      </Node>

#<Plugin rrdcached>
#      DaemonAddress "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock"
#      DataDir "/var/lib/rrdcached/db/collectd"
#      CreateFiles true
#      CreateFilesAsync false
#      CollectStatistics true
# The following settings are rather advanced
# and should usually not be touched:
#      StepSize 10
#      HeartBeat 20
#      RRARows 1200
#      RRATimespan 158112000
#      XFF 0.1

<Plugin rrdtool>
       DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
#      CacheTimeout 120
#      CacheFlush 900
#      WritesPerSecond 30
#      CreateFilesAsync false
#      RandomTimeout 0
# The following settings are rather advanced
# and should usually not be touched:
#      StepSize 10
#      HeartBeat 20
#      RRARows 1200
#      RRATimespan 158112000
#      XFF 0.1

#<Plugin sensors>
#      SensorConfigFile "/etc/sensors3.conf"
#      Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/temperature-temp1"
#      Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/fanspeed-fan3"
#      Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/voltage-in8"
#      IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin sigrok>
#      LogLevel 3
#      <Device "AC Voltage">
#             Driver "fluke-dmm"
#             MinimumInterval 10
#             Conn "/dev/ttyUSB2"
#      </Device>
#      <Device "Sound Level">
#             Driver "cem-dt-885x"
#             Conn "/dev/ttyUSB1"
#      </Device>

#<Plugin smart>
#      Disk "/^[hs]d[a-f][0-9]?$/"
#      IgnoreSelected false

# See /usr/share/doc/collectd/examples/snmp-data.conf.gz for a
# comprehensive sample configuration.
#<Plugin snmp>
#      <Data "powerplus_voltge_input">
#             Type "voltage"
#             Table false
#             Instance "input_line1"
#             Scale 0.1
#             Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6050."
#      </Data>
#      <Data "hr_users">
#             Type "users"
#             Table false
#             Instance ""
#             Shift -1
#             Values "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0"
#      </Data>
#      <Data "std_traffic">
#             Type "if_octets"
#             Table true
#             InstancePrefix "traffic"
#             Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
#             Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"
#      </Data>
#      <Host "some.switch.mydomain.org">
#             Address ""
#             Version 1
#             Community "community_string"
#             Collect "std_traffic"
#             Inverval 120
#      </Host>
#      <Host "some.server.mydomain.org">
#             Address ""
#             Version 2
#             Community "another_string"
#             Collect "std_traffic" "hr_users"
#      </Host>
#      <Host "some.ups.mydomain.org">
#             Address ""
#             Version 1
#             Community "more_communities"
#             Collect "powerplus_voltge_input"
#             Interval 300
#      </Host>

#<Plugin statsd>
#      Host "::"
#      Port "8125"
#      DeleteCounters false
#      DeleteTimers   false
#      DeleteGauges   false
#      DeleteSets     false
#      TimerPercentile 90.0
#      TimerPercentile 95.0
#      TimerPercentile 99.0
#      TimerLower     false
#      TimerUpper     false
#      TimerSum       false
#      TimerCount     false

#<Plugin swap>
#      ReportByDevice false
#      ReportBytes true

#<Plugin table>
#      <Table "/proc/slabinfo">
#             Instance "slabinfo"
#             Separator " "
#             <Result>
#                    Type gauge
#                    InstancePrefix "active_objs"
#                    InstancesFrom 0
#                    ValuesFrom 1
#             </Result>
#             <Result>
#                    Type gauge
#                    InstancePrefix "objperslab"
#                    InstancesFrom 0
#                    ValuesFrom 4
#             </Result>
#      </Table>

#<Plugin tail>
#      <File "/var/log/exim4/mainlog">
#             Instance "exim"
#             Interval 60
#             <Match>
#                    Regex "S=([1-9][0-9]*)"
#                    DSType "CounterAdd"
#                    Type "ipt_bytes"
#                    Instance "total"
#             </Match>
#             <Match>
#                    Regex "\\<R=local_user\\><file:///%3cR=local_user/%3e>"
#                    ExcludeRegex "\\<R=local_user\\>.*mail_spool defer<file:///%3cR=local_user/%3e.*mail_spool%20defer>"
#                    DSType "CounterInc"
#                    Type "counter"
#                    Instance "local_user"
#             </Match>
#      </File>

#<Plugin tail_csv>
#      <Metric "dropped">
#             Type "percent"
#             Instance "dropped"
#             ValueFrom 1
#      </Metric>
#      <Metric "mbps">
#             Type "bytes"
#             Instance "wire-realtime"
#             ValueFrom 2
#      </Metric>
#      <Metric "alerts">
#             Type "alerts_per_second"
#             ValueFrom 3
#      </Metric>
#      <Metric "kpps">
#             Type "kpackets_wire_per_sec.realtime"
#             ValueFrom 4
#      </Metric>
#      <File "/var/log/snort/snort.stats">
#             Instance "snort-eth0"
#             Interval 600
#             Collect "dropped" "mbps" "alerts" "kpps"
#             TimeFrom 0
#      </File>

#<Plugin tcpconns>
#      ListeningPorts false
#      AllPortsSummary false
#      LocalPort "25"
#      RemotePort "25"

#<Plugin teamspeak2>
#      Host ""
#      Port "51234"
#      Server "8767"

#<Plugin ted>
#      Device "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#      Retries 0

#<Plugin thermal>
#      ForceUseProcfs false
#      Device "THRM"
#      IgnoreSelected false

#<Plugin tokyotyrant>
#      Host "localhost"
#      Port "1978"

#<Plugin turbostat>
##     None of the following option should be set manually
##     This plugin automatically detect most optimal options
##     Only set values here if:
##     - The module ask you to
##     - You want to disable the collection of some data
##     - Your (intel) CPU is not supported (yet) by the module
##     - The module generate a lot of errors 'MSR offset 0x... read failed'
##     In the last two cases, please open a bug request
#      TCCActivationTemp "100"
#      CoreCstates "392"
#      PackageCstates "396"
#      SystemManagementInterrupt true
#      DigitalTemperatureSensor true
#      PackageThermalManagement true
#      RunningAveragePowerLimit "7"

#<Plugin unixsock>
#      SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
#      SocketGroup "collectd"
#      SocketPerms "0660"
#      DeleteSocket false

#<Plugin uuid>
#      UUIDFile "/etc/uuid"

#<Plugin varnish>
#      <Instance>
#             CollectBackend true
#             CollectBan false           # Varnish 3 and above
#             CollectCache true
#             CollectConnections true
#             CollectDirectorDNS false   # Varnish 3 only
#             CollectESI false
#             CollectFetch false
#             CollectHCB false
#             CollectObjects false
#             CollectPurge false         # Varnish 2 only
#             CollectSession false
#             CollectSHM true
#             CollectSMA false           # Varnish 2 only
#             CollectSMS false
#             CollectSM false            # Varnish 2 only
#             CollectStruct false
#             CollectTotals false
#             CollectUptime false        # Varnish 3 and above
#             CollectdVCL false
#             CollectVSM false           # Varnish 4 only
#             CollectWorkers false
#      </Instance>
#      <Instance "myinstance">
#             CollectCache true
#      </Instance>

#<Plugin virt>
#      Connection "xen:///"
#      RefreshInterval 60
#      Domain "name"
#      BlockDevice "name:device"
#      InterfaceDevice "name:device"
#      IgnoreSelected false
#      HostnameFormat name
#      InterfaceFormat name
#      PluginInstanceFormat name

#<Plugin vmem>
#      Verbose false

#<Plugin write_graphite>
#      <Node "example">
#             Host "localhost"
#             Port "2003"
#             Protocol "tcp"
#             LogSendErrors true
#             Prefix "collectd"
#             Postfix "collectd"
#             StoreRates true
#             AlwaysAppendDS false
#             EscapeCharacter "_"
#      </Node>

#<Plugin write_http>
#      <Node "example">
#             URL "http://example.com/collectd-post"
#             User "collectd"
#             Password "secret"
#             VerifyPeer true
#             VerifyHost true
#             CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
#             CAPath "/etc/ssl/certs/"
#             ClientKey "/etc/ssl/client.pem"
#             ClientCert "/etc/ssl/client.crt"
#             ClientKeyPass "secret"
#             SSLVersion "TLSv1"
#             Format "Command"
#             StoreRates false
#             BufferSize 4096
#             LowSpeedLimit 0
#             Timeout 0
#      </Node>

#<Plugin write_kafka>
#      Property "metadata.broker.list" "localhost:9092"
#      <Topic "collectd">
#             Format JSON
#      </Topic>

#<Plugin write_riemann>
#      <Node "example">
#             Host "localhost"
#             Port 5555
#             Protocol TCP
#             Batch true
#             BatchMaxSize 8192
#             StoreRates true
#             AlwaysAppendDS false
#             TTLFactor 2.0
#             Notifications true
#             CheckThresholds false
#             EventServicePrefix ""
#      </Node>
#      Tag "foobar"
#      Attribute "foo" "bar"

#<Plugin write_sensu>
#      <Node "example">
#             Host "localhost"
#             Port 3030
#             StoreRates true
#             AlwaysAppendDS false
#             Notifications true
#             Metrics true
#             EventServicePrefix ""
#             MetricHandler "influx"
#             MetricHandler "default"
#             NotificationHandler "flapjack"
#             NotificationHandler "howling_monkey"
#      </Node>
#      Tag "foobar"
#      Attribute "foo" "bar"

#<Plugin write_tsdb>
#      <Node>
#             Host "localhost"
#             Port "4242"
#             HostTags "status=production"
#             StoreRates false
#             AlwaysAppendDS false
#      </Node>

#<Plugin zookeeper>
#      Host "localhost"
#      Port "2181"

LoadPlugin "threshold"
<Plugin "threshold">
  <Host "devstack-vitrage">
    <Plugin "cpu">
        Instance "wait"
        FailureMax 12
        FailureMin 10

<Include "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d">
       Filter "*.conf"

stack at devstack-vitrage:~$

From: "Mytnyk, VolodymyrX" <volodymyrx.mytnyk at intel.com<mailto:volodymyrx.mytnyk at intel.com>>
Reply-To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 4:05 AM
To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Cc: "TAHHAN, MARYAM" <maryam.tahhan at intel.com<mailto:maryam.tahhan at intel.com>>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Hi Greg,

                First of all, let’s make sure that the notification is generated by collectd. To do so, create a simple collectd python plugin to dump notifications into /tmp/python-notifications.dump' file:

cat > /etc/collectd_notification_dump.py <<EOF
import collectd

def notify(n):
  f = open('/tmp/python-notifications.dump', 'a')
  f.write('host: {}\n'.format(n.host))
  f.write('plugin: {}\n'.format(n.plugin))
  f.write('plugin_instance: {}\n'.format(n.plugin_instance))
  f.write('type: {}\n'.format(n.type))
  f.write('type_instance: {}\n'.format(n.type_instance))
  f.write('time: {}\n'.format(n.time))
  f.write('severity: {}\n'.format(n.severity))
  f.write('message: {}\n'.format(n.message))


Add the following configuration to the collectd configuration file:

LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/etc"
  LogTraces true
  Interactive false
  Import "collectd_notification_dump"

Restart collectd. All collectd notifications will be dump in /tmp/python-notifications.dump' file. E.g. if the collectd `threshold` plugin generate the notification, it will appear in the dump file. If not, there may be a problem with configuring the threshold plugin.

Thanks and Regards,

From: Waines, Greg [mailto:Greg.Waines at windriver.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:18 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Cc: Tahhan, Maryam <maryam.tahhan at intel.com<mailto:maryam.tahhan at intel.com>>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Hi Ifat,
thanks for the reply ... just got around to trying your suggestions.

This definitely helps ... I no longer get any errors on re-starting collectd or vitrage-graph.
i.e. it appears to load the collectd and updated vitrage conf files correctly now.

Now still don’t get any alarms in vitrage.
HOWEVER I suspect it may be my collectd setup now.
( WARNING I am NOT a collectd expert. ;) )

I suspect that the vitrage-collectd plugin only sends collectd NOTIFICATIONS or THRESHOLD Events to vitrage.
i.e. it likely does NOT send just statistic/status samples to vitrage.

I can see that collectd sampling is happening ... I have logfile and csv and rrd plugins running and samples are being captured in the specified directories / files.

I tried to set threshold for CPU based on an example I had found on web.
See attached collectd.conf file .

BUT really not sure if the threshold configuration in my collectd.conf is correct or working ... is there a way to confirm this ?   ( any collectd experts out there ? )
Is there an example collectd.conf that has notifications or thresholds (whatever vitrage needs) setup for something basic like CPU ?


From: "Afek, Ifat (Nokia - IL/Kfar Sava)" <ifat.afek at nokia.com<mailto:ifat.afek at nokia.com>>
Reply-To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Date: Monday, August 28, 2017 at 9:42 AM
To: "openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [vitrage] Collectd - to - Vitrage setup issues

Hi Greg,

I’m less familiar with the collectd configuration and the events that it sends.

Regarding the collectd_conf.yaml, it is definitely missing. You should add a /etc/vitrage/collectd_conf.yaml file that looks like that:

- collectd_host: <collectd resource name>
   type: <openstack resource type, e.g. nova.host>
   name: <openstack resource name, e.g. host1>
- collectd_host: …

This file maps a Collectd resource to the corresponding resource in OpenStack. Only resources that are listed in this file will have their alarms imported to Vitrage.

Next, you should add a reference to this file in /etc/vitrage/vitrage.conf:

config_file = /etc/vitrage/collectd_conf.yaml

Then you should restart vitrage-graph.

Let me know if it helped,

From: "Waines, Greg" <Greg.Waines at windriver.com<mailto:Greg.Waines at windriver.com>>
Date: Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 21:19

I am trying to get collectd to report some alarms to vitrage in a devstack setup,

I am using a devstack created on a late version of ocata.
And my devstack with vitrage appears to be working ok otherwise;
e.g.  I can create VMs, and raise fake alarms using “vitrage event post -type=compute.host.down ...” or with “aodh alarm create ... resource_id=instance-uuid” ... and they get reported fine in vitrage.

UNFORTUNATELY not seeing anything in vitrage from collectd, and
                          don’t believe I’m seeing anything even from collectd, for example from the syslog output plugin.

I’ve attached the following files:   ( not sure if these get distributed on mailing list )
·         /etc/collectd/collectd.conf       <-- do these look ok ?
·         /etc/vitrage/vitrage.conf          <-- do these look ok ?
·         /var/log/syslog                 ... around the time when I updated collectd.conf and vitrage.conf and restarted collectd and vitrage-graph
•  NOTE THE FOLLOWING ERRORS IN THE SYSLOG FILE ... where do I get the collectd_conf.yaml file from ?  Can’t see it in the devstack files for vitrage.
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.039 25962 ERROR vitrage.utils.file [-] File doesn't exist: /etc/vitrage/collectd_conf.yaml.
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver [-] failed in init 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' : TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver Traceback (most recent call last):
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver   File "/opt/stack/vitrage/vitrage/datasources/collectd/driver.py", line 65, in _configuration_mapping
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver     collectd_config_elements = collectd_config[COLLECTD_DATASOURCE]
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
·         Aug 23 14:09:31 localhost vitrage-graph[25962]: 2017-08-23 14:09:31.040 25962 ERROR vitrage.datasources.collectd.driver
•  IT DOESN”T SEEM LIKE collectd is actually getting any events anyways ... shouldn’t I see some collectd events being reported in /var/log/syslog from some of the monitoring plugins that are loaded ?
·         gregs-air:collectd-info gregwaines$ fgrep "localhost collectd" syslog
·         Aug 23 13:56:07 localhost collectd[23267]: supervised by systemd, will signal readyness
·         Aug 23 13:56:07 localhost collectd[23267]: Initialization complete, entering read-loop.
·         Aug 23 13:56:07 localhost collectd[23267]: rrdtool plugin: Adjusting "RandomTimeout" to 0.000 seconds.
·         Aug 23 14:09:05 localhost collectd[23267]: Exiting normally.
·         Aug 23 14:09:05 localhost collectd[23267]: collectd: Stopping 5 read threads.
·         Aug 23 14:09:05 localhost collectd[23267]: rrdtool plugin: Shutting down the queue thread.
·         Aug 23 14:09:05 localhost collectd[23267]: collectd: Stopping 5 write threads.
·         Aug 23 14:09:07 localhost collectd[25824]: supervised by systemd, will signal readyness
·         Aug 23 14:09:07 localhost collectd[25824]: Initialization complete, entering read-loop.
·         Aug 23 14:09:07 localhost collectd[25824]: rrdtool plugin: Adjusting "RandomTimeout" to 0.000 seconds.
·         /etc/vitrage/templates/host_down_scenarios.yaml
·         /etc/vitrage/templates/host_high_cpu_load_scenarios.yaml
o    Am I suppose to have some templates that are specific to the collectd events/alarms that are being reported to vitrage ?

Any other suggestions on things to look at in order to understand what’s wrong ?


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