There's been a fair bit of various TC discussion but as I'm packing for my rather tortured journey to [Sydney]( and preparing some last minute presentation materials, just a short TC Report this week, made up of links to topics in the IRC logs: * [Can openstack do self-healing?]( This continues into the [following day]( This discussion sort of asks "what are we actually trying to do here?" and seems to indicate there's a lot of missing functionality, depending on your use case and perspective. * [Planning Sydney and Dublin meetings with the board]( * [More board meeting planning, and other summit planning]( I will attempt to take notes at the board meeting and report them here. There will be no TC report next week due to summit. Nor the week after as I'll still be in Sydney, so expect the next one 21st of November. -- Chris Dent (⊙_⊙') freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent