Hey everyone, So during our IRC meeting[0], it was mentioned that we should move <= Medium bugs over to queens-2 to help with visibility of more important bugs. Since we had 470+ total bugs targeted to queens-1, I have moved all the medium bugs that were not yet In Progress to queens-2 and will be reviewing the remaining list[1] and checking if the patches were actually merged or if they should be moved to queens-2 as they do not have any activity. Please take some time to review the High/Critical bugs as we should be working on those or closing them out if they are no longer valid. Thanks, -Alex [0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2017/tripleo.2017-10-03-13.59.log.html#l-156 [1] https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/queens-1