[openstack-dev] [kuryr]

Zainal Abidin naruto.assegaf at gmail.com
Tue May 30 23:36:57 UTC 2017

Dear Openstack Dev Kuryr Team,

I'm Zainal abidin from Jakarta Indonesia, we have questions regarding
connectivity from kubernetes to openstack. Our environment is vmware
vsphere 5.5, we established coreos + kubernetes as our microservices docker
deployment. We use coreos etcd v2.3.7 and k8s v1.5.4, we deploy mysql
percona xtradb proxysql in kubernetes. Percona xtradb cluster used port
3306 and registered in proxysql via port 3306 and 6032, the only way to
avoid mysql locking table we connect to percona galera proxysql via kubectl
exec -it [proxysql-pod-name] -p 3306 -h [k8s cluster-ip] -u root -p , but
that only possible from inside kubernetes cluster. We have many apps
external to kubernetes which can't used k8s cluster-ip, so we deploy
openstack liberty with 3 nodes in ubuntu 14.04LTS. Node1
(keystone,neutron), node2 (storage) and node3 (nova), our questions:

1. Need your help to connect coreos + k8s to openstack liberty
2. How to enable kuryr in openstack liberty
3. We need external loadbalancer besides k8s cluster-ip for external access
percona xtradb proxysql to loadbalance incoming tcp dml or ddl to avoid
mysql locking table across percona xtradb databases instances
4. Some documentation mentioned that we should use cloud-provider parameter
for kube-api.service and kubelet.service but we not sure how to do that

Very sorry if our questions are not clear or not relevant, we will be
greatly thankful if your team can help us in any way possible. Thank you
for your time, looking forward for your replay,

Thank you,

Best regards,

Zainal abidin
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