[openstack-dev] [tripleo] CI Squad Meeting Summary (week 11)

Attila Darazs adarazs at redhat.com
Thu Mar 16 18:21:06 UTC 2017

If the topics below interest you and you want to contribute to the 
discussion, feel free to join the next meeting:

Time: Thursdays, 14:30-15:30 UTC (WARNING: time changed due to DST)
Place: https://bluejeans.com/4113567798/

Full minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting

The last week was very significant in the CI Squad's life: we migrated 
the first set of TripleO gating jobs to Quickstart[1] and it went more 
or less smoothly. There were a few failed gate jobs, but we quickly 
patched up the problematic parts.

For the "phase2" of the transition we're going to concentrate on three 

1) usability improvements, to make the logs from the jobs easier to 
browse and understand

2) make sure the speed of the new jobs are roughly at the same level as 
the previous ones

3) get the OVB jobs ported as well

We use the "oooq-t-phase2"[2] gerrit topic for the changes around these 
areas. As the OVB related ones are kind of big, we will not migrate the 
jobs next week, most probably only on the beginning of the week after.

We're also trying to utilize the new RDO Cloud, hopefully we will be 
able to offload a couple of gate jobs on it soon.

Best regards,

[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:oooq-t-phase2

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