[openstack-dev] [neutron][horizon][fwaas][vpnaas] fwaas/vpnaas dashboard split out

Thomas Morin thomas.morin at orange.com
Wed Jun 21 09:33:44 UTC 2017

Hi Akihiro,

While I understand the motivation to move these dashboards from 
openstack/horizon, what is the reason to prefer a distinct repo for the 
dashboard rather than hosting it in the main repo of these projects ?

(networking-bgpvpn has had a dashboard for some time already, it is 
hosted under networking-bgpvpn/bgpvpn_dashboard and we haven't heard 
about any drawback)



Akihiro Motoki :
> Hi neutron and horizon teams (especially fwaas and vpnaas folks),
> As we discussed so far, I prepared separate git repositories for FWaaS
> and VPNaaS dashboards.
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard/
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard/
> All new features will be implemented in the new repositories, for
> example, FWaaS v2 support.
> The initial core members consist of neutron-fwaas/vpnaas-core
> (respectively) + horizon-core.
> There are several things to do to complete the split out.
> I gathered a list of work items at the etherpad and we will track the
> progress here.
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-fwaas-vpnaas-splitout
> If you are interested in helping the efforts, sign up on the etherpad
> or contact me.
> I would like to release the initial release which is compatible with
> the current horizon
> FWaaS/VPNaaS dashboard (with no new features).
> I hope we can release it around R-8 week (Jul 3) or R-7 (Jul 10).
> It also will be good examples for neutron stadium/related projects
> which are interested in
> adding dashboard support. AFAIK, networking-sfc, tap-as-a-service are
> interested in it.
> Thanks,
> Akihiro
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