Hi everyone, A long time ago, I wrote some Launchpad/release code so that when a release is tagged, automation would go through the commit messages and post a message on Launchpad bugs that are mentioned in a "Closes-Bug:" stanza in the commit message of the changes corresponding to the release. This logic lives in: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/scripts/release-tools/release.sh#n94 which then calls: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/scripts/release-tools/launchpad_add_comment.py This functionality is missing for StoryBoard-driven projects. We'd need something similar, that detects "Closes-Story:" stanzas and calls a new storyboard_add_comment.py script. With more and more projects being migrated to StoryBoard, would there be anyone interested in writing that missing link ? It should be mostly straightforward, the only obvious difficulty being storing StoryBoard credentials for a release comment bot on the infra side. It sounds like a great way to experiment with the StoryBoard API :) So... Anyone interested ? Please ask me (or dhellmann) on #openstack-release if you have questions... -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)