[openstack-dev] [Cinder] Requirements for re-adding Gluster support

Duncan Thomas duncan.thomas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 11:35:00 UTC 2017

I think the substantial part was running (and maintaining) the CI.
Given the fragility of devstack and tempest, and their dependencies,
this is not, unfortunately, a fire-and-forget operation but rather
something that requires a fair time investment. Certainly I don't know
of any reason other than CI why support can't be fixed up and

On 26 July 2017 at 11:56, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In one of the last Cinder releases support for Gluster has been dropped.
> The commit message [1] mentions that the support has been marked
> deprecated during Newton.
> It seems that there are quite some users in the Gluster Community that
> run OpenStack with Gluster storage. These users did not take action when
> Newton came out, but voiced their disappointment with more recent
> releases.
> As one of the Gluster Maintainers that is watching over the integration
> of Gluster in other projects, I would like to know more about the tasks
> that it takes to get Gluster support back into Cinder. With those
> details, the Gluster Community can work with interested OpenStack users
> to add required CI jobs, and possibly other things.
> At the moment, the only knowledge I have on why Gluster support was
> removed from Cinder is in a messy email conversation [2]. Pointers to
> further clarifications and requirements that Gluster did not meet are
> welcome.
> My current guess is that adding a 3rd party CI [3] for Gluster is the
> only missing piece? If that is the case, I expect that we could add one
> or more Jenkins jobs to one of our Gluster Community CI's. We run tests
> in our own Jenkins instance [4], but also use the CentOS CI [5] for some
> heavier testing.
> Any guidance, suggestions and opinions are most welcome!
> Many thanks,
> Niels
> 1. https://github.com/openstack/cinder/commit/16e93ccd4f3a6d62ed9d277f03b64bccc63ae060
> 2. http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/integration/2017-May/000024.html
> 3. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder/tested-3rdParty-drivers
> 4. https://build.gluster.org/
> 5. https://ci.centos.org/view/Gluster/
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Duncan Thomas

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