[openstack-dev] [keystone] office hours report 2017-7-18

Lance Bragstad lbragstad at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 04:23:28 UTC 2017

Hi all,

This is a day late, but here is the summary for what we worked on during
office hours yesterday. The full log can be found below [0].

Bug #1689888 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "/v3/users is
unproportionally slow"
participants: lbragstad
Verified and triaged

Bug #1703245 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "Assignment API doesn't
test GET for member urls"
participants: lbragstad

Bug #1704205 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "GET
/v3/role_assignments?effective&include_names API fails with unexpected
500 error"
participants: knikolla, lbragstad, edmondsw, prashkre
Discussed possible solutions, documented workarounds, triaged, and set
target milestone

Bug #1687401 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "Keystone 403 Forbidden"
participants: lbragstad
Marked as Incomplete until we have more information/details to recreate

Bug #1687888 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "creating a federation
protocol returns Bad Request instead of Conflict"
participants: lbragstad
Marked as Invalid based on the inability to recreate

Bug #1694589 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "Federation protocol
creation gives error"
participants: lbragstad
Marked as Invalid based on the inability to recreate

Bug #1697634 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "AH01630: client denied
by server configuration"
participants: lbragstad
Marked as Invalid based on configuration

Bug #1702230 in OpenStack Identity (keystone): "fernet token fails with
keystone HA"
participants: lbragstad
Marked as Invalid based on configuration


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