[openstack-dev] [heat][ironic][telemetry][dragonflow][freezer][kuryr][manila][mistral][monasca][neutron][ansible][congress][rally][senlin][storlets][zun][docs] repos without signs of migration starting
Doug Hellmann
doug at doughellmann.com
Tue Jul 11 14:43:28 UTC 2017
Excerpts from gordon chung's message of 2017-07-11 14:23:41 +0000:
> On 10/07/17 01:26 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > openstack/ceilometer-powervm
> > openstack/ceilometermiddleware
> i don't believe there are docs for these. ceilometermiddleware is a
> simple wsgi middleware and it's usage is part of ceilometer's install
> docs. ceilometer-powervm contains the powervm driver for ceilometer's
> polling agent.
I've removed them from the tracking list for now, but it seems like
both are likely to have contributor documentation, at least, and
the driver would likely have installation and configuration docs,
> i missed this but how do we handle smaller add-on type repos like this?
> i imagine we want to keep docs grouped by project so they are not
> scattered across the same level.
> cheers,
The new "rule" for docs is "The documentation for something should
live in the same repository as the code."
Hyperlinks are easy and free, so we can use those to ensure that the
results are easy to find. We're building up a nice set of landing pages
for "all of the admin guides" and "all of the configuration references"
and so on within the openstack-manuals repository.
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