[openstack-dev] [ironic] [release] [stable] pike release
Dmitry Tantsur
dtantsur at redhat.com
Mon Aug 21 09:13:23 UTC 2017
(adding the release and stable team just for their information)
Thanks Julia and everyone for handling this situation while I was out. More
comments inline.
On 08/17/2017 07:13 PM, Julia Kreger wrote:
> Greetings everyone!
> As some of you may have noticed, we released ironic 9.0.0 today. But
> wait! There is more!
> We triggered this release due to a number of issues, one of which was
> that we learned that we needed the stable/pike branch for our grenade
> jobs to execute properly. This was not done previously because
> Ironic’s release model is incompatible with making release candidate
> releases.
Yep :( So, I think the lesson to learn is to create our stable/XXX branch at the
same time as the other projects. We kind of knew that already, but did not
anticipate such a huge breakage so quickly. I suggest we don't try it in Queens :)
Now, with that in place we still have two options:
1. A conservative one - make the branching the hard feature freeze, similar to
other projects. We may start with a soft freeze at around M3, and just move into
Queens when stable/queens is created. As that point, what is out - is out.
2. Alternative - continue making selected feature backports until the final
freeze roughly one week before the final release. This kind of contradicts
calling a branch "stable" though.
I don't have a strong opinion, but I'm slightly more in favor of the
conservation option #1 to avoid confusing people and complicating the process.
> Once we’ve confirmed that our grenade testing is passing, we will back
> port patches we had previously approved, but that had not landed, from
> master to stable/pike.
++ I've approved a few patches already, and will continue approving them today.
> As a result, please anticipate Ironic’s official Pike release for this
> cycle to be 9.1.0, if the stars, gates, and job timeouts align with
> us.
Right, I think we will request it on Wednesday, to allow a bit more time to test
our newly populated not-so-stable stable/pike :)
> If there are any questions, please feel free to stop by
> #openstack-ironic. We have also been keeping our general purpose
> whiteboard[1] up to date, you can see our notes regarding our current
> plan starting at line 120, and notes regarding gate failures and
> issues starting at line 37.
> Thanks!
> -Julia
> [1]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard
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