[openstack-dev] [tc] [all] TC Report 32
Chris Dent
cdent+os at anticdent.org
Tue Aug 8 20:13:46 UTC 2017
(Rendered Version: https://anticdent.org/tc-report-32.html )
As we are still in the heady peak of the release cycle, there's not a
great deal of Technical Committee activity to report, but I've dredged
through some IRC logs to find a couple of bits that might be relevant
to the slicke of governance activity that might actually be interesting to
a broader audience.
# Continuous Deployment
In a thread on [Backwards incompatible changes based on
Joshua Harlow chose to ask one of those questions it's worth asking
every now and again: [Who are these continuous
If they still exist, where are they, how do we get them to step up and
participate? If nobody is doing it any more, can we stop and make
between-release adjustments more easily?
The mailing list thread petered out, as they are wont to do, but the
topic carried over to IRC. In the [#openstack-tc
the conversation went long and wide:
* Even if there aren't people who do real deploys from trunk, the
constraints imposed by behaving as if they do may be beneficial.
* If we stop the behavior, it is very hard to go back.
* Some people say we historically supported CD. Other people say that
sure, some people say that, but only _some_ people.
* Or maybe the divisions are between projects?
* APIs and database migrations are in a different class from
everything else and they themselves are different from one another.
* Whatever the behaviors have been, they've never been official (for
all projects?).
* Whatever the behavior should be, it needs to be official (for all
For each of these strongly asserted opinions, there was at least one
person who disagreed, at least in part. Fun times.
As far as I could tell, there was no resolution or forward plan. The status quo
of benign (?) ambiguity will maintain for the time being. When it hurts,
something will happen.
# Forthcoming Meetings With the Board
A [Foundation list
asked for agenda items for the combined Board and Leadership (TC and
UC) [meeting happening before the
Details about a similar meeting [in
are also starting to cohere.
Yet as far as I can tell, very little has yet been gathered in terms
of substantive agenda items. Given how often different members of the
community state that we need to be more activist with the board, and
the board with member companies -- especially with regard to making
sure corporate engagement is not just strong but focused in the right
place -- I'm surprised there's not more. [I fished around a bit in
but I think there's more to be done here.
As a community we've become over adapted to the idea that people who
wish to discuss problems should come prepared with solutions, or if
not that, at least a detailed description of the failure scenario.
This is incredibly limiting. Community interactions aren't software.
We can't always create a minimal test case and iterate towards a
solution. Sometimes what we need is to sit around as peers and
reflect. In person is the ideal time for this; we don't get the
opportunity all that much.
What I'd like to see with the board, the TC, the UC, and anyone else
who wants to participate is a calm retrospective of the last three,
six or twelve months. So we can see where we need to go from here. We
can share some accolades and, if necessary, air some grievances.
Someone can say "there's a rough edge here" so someone else with a lot
of spare sandpaper they thought was useless can say "I can help with
that". We might even sing Kum ba yah.
If you're not going to be at the PTG, or you don't feel comfortable
raising an issue, feel free to contact me with anything you think is
important and relevant to the ongoing health of OpenStack and I will
try to bring it up at one of the meetings.
Chris Dent (⊙_⊙') https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent
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