[openstack-dev] [neutron] - FFE for networking-bagpipe, support for MPLS-over-GRE

Kevin Benton kevin at benton.pub
Tue Aug 8 16:13:32 UTC 2017

This change looks good to me since it's quite small. Make sure you leave
feedback on Armando's release patch to update the hash for the this repo
before Thursday.

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 8:16 AM, <thomas.morin at orange.com> wrote:

> Hi PTL/all,
> I would like to request an exception for inclusion in Pike, of MPLS/GRE
> support in networking-bagpipe.
> The feature consists in allowing the use of a new OVS tunnel option
> added in the very recently released OVS 2.8.
> The code is ready, the only piece preventing the merge is that the
> fullstack functional test is not fully ready yet (but should be soon).
> The change: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/482571
> The RFE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-bagpipe/+bug/1709338
> Thanks,
> -Thomas
> (not waiting for a confirmation that the process applies to stadium
> projects, because I'm already late to fill this in, being just back
> from PTO)
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