[openstack-dev] [all] Switching gate testing to use Ubuntu Cloud Archive

Ian Wienand iwienand at redhat.com
Tue Apr 4 00:32:02 UTC 2017

On 04/04/2017 09:06 AM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> I have pushed a change to devstack [3] to enable using UCA which pulls
> in new Libvirt and mostly seems to work. I think we should consider
> switching to UCA as this may fix our Libvirt problems and if it doesn't,
> we will be closer to a version of Libvirt that upstream should be
> willing to fix.

I'm not 100% sure where this leaves the
devstack-plugin-additional-pkg-repos work [1]; although to be honest
I've always thought that was a little unspecific.  We also have
"devstack-plugin-tar-installer" [2] which was working on installing
libvirt from upstream tarballs IIRC but looks dead?  There was quite
some discussion about this in [3] at the time.

> Finally it is worth noting that we will get newer packages of other
> software as well, most notably openvswitch will be version 2.6.1 instead
> of 2.5.0.

Just to write down the centos side of things -- we have the RDO repo
installed on all centos CI nodes.  That brings in the centos virt-sig
rebuild of qemu (qemu-kvm-ev) which is definitely required to run
trunk nova [4].  We are just using libvirt from standard updates
(2.0.0 based).  RDO provides openvswitch, which is 2.6.1 too.

> Then have specific jobs (like devstack) explicitly opt into the UCA
> repo appropriate for them (if any).

The idea being, presumably, that when devstack branches, it is
essentially pinned to whatever version of UCA it was using at the time
for its lifespan.

I do wonder if installing the latest version on the base images
simplifies things (so that by default, "apt-get install libvirt" in
any context gets the UCA version).  To handle the above, a devstack
branch would have to essentially do the opposite -- override the
default to whatever version it is pinned to.  More work at branch
point, however has the advantage that we don't have to constantly
communicate to people they need to "opt-in".


[1] https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/devstack-plugin-additional-pkg-repos
[2] https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/devstack-plugin-tar-installer
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/108714/
[4] http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/virt/x86_64/kvm-common/

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