[openstack-dev] [Glance] Cores using -2 votes
Nikhil Komawar
nik.komawar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 15:04:49 UTC 2016
thanks Ian, this is great info.
Just a side question, do you have example for -Workflow , say in cases
when I'd +2ed but to keep a check on process and approve after the
freeze -W'ed it?
Nonetheless, I have been using the labels and owner/reviewer/project
field to good advantage so would like to acknowledge what you have to
say -- again, this is very effective and I will too encourage folks to
use such a bookmark.
If you need more options for querying, please read up the gerrit docs
On 9/23/16 10:42 AM, Ian Cordasco wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few weeks ago, there was a controversy in which a patch had been
> -2'd until other concerns were resolved and then the core who used
> their -2 powers disappeared and could not lift it after those concerns
> had been resolved. This lead to a situation where the -2'd patch was
> abandoned and then resubmitted with a new Change-Id so it could be
> approved in time for a milestone.
> In chatting with some folks, it's become apparent that all of us
> Glance cores need to keep a dashboard around of items that we've -2'd.
> The basic form of that is:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:self+AND+label:code-review-2+AND+(project:openstack/glance+OR+project:openstack/glance_store+OR+project:openstack/python-glanceclient)
> Or the query in particular is:
> reviewer:self AND label:code-review-2 AND
> (project:openstack/glance OR project:openstack/glance_store OR
> project:openstack/python-glanceclient)
> That said, this will show any patch you have reviewed that has a -2 on
> it. (This also ignores specs.)
> To find what *you* have -2'd, the query is a little bit different:
> label:code-review-2,<gerrit-user-name> AND
> (project:openstack/glance OR project:openstack/glance_store OR
> project:openstack/python-glanceclient)
> For example,
> label:code-review-2,sigmavirus24 AND (project:openstack/glance OR
> project:openstack/glance_store OR
> project:openstack/python-glanceclient)
> is my query.
> I think we would all appreciate it if as cores we could keep an eye on
> our own -2's and keep them up-to-date.
> I suspect people here will want to ignore anything that was abandoned
> so you can also do:
> label:code-review-2,<gerrit-user-name> AND -status:abandoned AND
> (project:openstack/glance OR project:openstack/glance_store OR
> project:openstack/python-glanceclient)
> Finally, if you use Gertty, you can use this query to do the same thing:
> label:Code-Review=-2,<gerrit-user-name> AND -status:abandoned AND
> project:^openstack/.*glance.*
> Cheers,
> --
> Ian Cordasco
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