[openstack-dev] [Product] Project Navigator - Maturity Metrics
gordon chung
gord at live.ca
Mon Sep 19 12:08:49 UTC 2016
is this updated with a script or manually? i just took a quick look at
this and some of the projects have a different information between the
high-level "all projects" view and the detailed individual project view.
this was something that was brought up a months ago so i assume it
hasn't been looked at in a while.
for example, i'm not a PTL but it says i am one.
On 16/09/16 06:02 PM, Shamail wrote:
> Hi Kenny,
> The maturity metrics in the project navigator are derived using TC Managed Tags[1] (binary) and Operator Tags[2] (non-binary). The description each tag can be found in the provided links. The values for the tags are refreshed periodically (e.g. once a release cycle for operator tags) and these are pulled into the project navigator and displayed as the 8 maturity indicators for the projects. The ops-tag team meets once a month when we have new submissions to review. Anyone is welcome to submit a tag/indicator for review.
> [1] https://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/
> [2] https://github.com/openstack/ops-tags-team/tree/master/descriptions
> Thanks,
> Shamail
>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 2:04 PM, Kenny Johnston <kenny at kencjohnston.com> wrote:
>> OpenStackers,
>> What is the best way to understand the past discussion, and perhaps start a
>> new conversation about the maturity metrics found in the project
>> navigator[1]? I don't want to propose anything without knowing more of the
>> context of why the current metrics and thresholds were chosen.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Kenny Johnston | irc:kencjohnston | @kencjohnston
>> [1]https://www.openstack.org/software/project-navigator/
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