[openstack-dev] [Rally] Rename some placeholders in task HTML report

Roman Vasilets rvasilets at mirantis.com
Tue Sep 6 14:23:45 UTC 2016


1) lets call it for the times - Overview
2) Actions statistics - because there is a statistic by actions
3) I suggest to keep it. And add to the docs that we have idle and load
durations. I think people not fully understand those two terms and to
change report is not the best way to improve their knowledges

--Best regards, Roman Vasylets.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Aleksandr Maretskiy <amaretskiy at mirantis.com
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> this is about terminology in Rally task HTML report.
> Some placeholders sounds not accurate and another even confusing,
> which causes repeated questions and even bug reports like [1].
> That is why I would like to discuss renaming here.
> Please take a look at attached "demo.png", there are 3 placeholders to
> discuss:
> 1) Menu item "Task overview"
> Report can be generated for workloads from a single task or from 1000
> tasks,
> however overview table shows workloads data, not task(s).
> So I recommend to rename this placeholder.
> Proposals:
>  * Overview
>  * Workloads overview
>  * Summary
>  * ... ideas?
> 2) Subtitle "Total durations"
> "Total" is something complete or summarized, however there is a statistics
> values table under this header. The table is about durations statistics
> (both atomic actions and iterations load durations).
> Proposals:
>  * Durations
>  * Durations statistics
>  * ... ideas?
> 3) Action "total" in durations statistics table
> That is the most confusing placeholder, because it is easy to suppose
> that this row is for summarized values for each column.
> But this row is actually about iterations "load_duration" values.
> Proposals:
>  * iteration duration
>  * load duration
>  * load_duration
>  * ... ideas?
> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/rally/+bug/1607804
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