[openstack-dev] Event notification descriptors/schemas (? swagger ?)

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Tue Oct 11 22:02:05 UTC 2016

On 11/10/16 05:38 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
> Yes yes, normalization would be nice to, though a little beyond what I
> am (or was) thinking of currently. Going back to how
> event_definitions.yaml is the best 'source' we have currently, is it
> possible to rip out (for now) event_definitions.yaml  and I assume the
> python code-gen part from ceilometer into a new library (and/or repo);
> at least this would be a small step forward (I think).

i don't have a problem with it but i'll be honest, the definition file 
and yaml->python object code is tailored to an extent to "normalise 
notification into Ceilometer data models" use case.

> Perhaps this may have already been planned to?

we did plan on making Ceilometer notification agent more generic where 
it's essentially just a notification listener and you can enable 
different plugins to convert to meters or events where as right now they 
are both pretty much baked in and always on. maybe this generalisation 
can be tied into what you are tryin to do.


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