[openstack-dev] [elections][tc]Thoughts on the TC election process

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Tue Oct 11 17:26:29 UTC 2016

On 2016-10-11 12:08 PM, Chris Dent wrote:
> Based on the turnout numbers and a bit of unscientific number
> crunching on the voting results it seems that the electorate was
> rather more engaged this time around. That's _great_.
> As others have said I imagine some significant part of that was
> because of more than one mailing of the ballots to help everyone
> remember. I think there were probably other factors too:
> * There was a large pool of candidates this time around from several
>   different places on the OpenStack map. That makes for some happy:
>   it wasn't the same old thing.
> * The questioning and other discussion that happened last week was
>   engaging and interesting and made the process something more than
>   "I've heard of this person before".
> Therefore I think next time around we should have that week of
> discussion before the week of voting. Its impact may be greater
> when people have time to reflect on the discussion before voting.
> Instead of two week process, make it three:

Again as I replied to Ed's post, I think we can find options that fit in 
the current timeframe.


Thank you,

> 1. nominations
> 2. discussion
> 3. voting
> I don't think we need to make the second week super formal. I hope
> we can rely on at least some people to step up with interesting
> questions.
> Aside from that, more radical things we may want to consider
> include:
> * Getting rid of self nomination. Nominations come from the
>   electorate at large. They can be refused of course.

What is the current problem with self nomination?

> * Term limits, either absolute or consecutive. The principles[1]
>   enshrine regular handover of power but since that's not always
>   been demonstrated, perhaps it needs to be formalized?
> * [your idea here please]
> [1] 
> http://governance.openstack.org/reference/principles.html#changes-in-leadership-are-good
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