[openstack-dev] [all][tricircle][neutron]Tricircle now is one of OpenStack Big-Tent project

Shinobu Kinjo shinobu.kj at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 07:25:42 UTC 2016


 - Shinobu

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 3:39 PM, joehuang <joehuang at huawei.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Tricircle was officially accepted yesterday as a big-tent project.
> The purpose of the Tricircle project is to provide networking automation
> across Neutron in multi-region OpenStack clouds deployment.
> Use cases for the Tricircle are described in
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tricircle#Use_Cases.
> A brief introduction of Tricircle is provided here:
> Each OpenStack cloud includes its own Nova, Cinder and Neutron, the
> Neutron servers in these OpenStack clouds are called local Neuron
> servers, all these local Neutron servers will be configured with the
> Tricircle Local Neutron Plugin. A seperate Neutron server will be
> installed and run standalone as the coordinator of networking automation
> across local Neutron servers, this Neutron server will be configured
> with the Tricircle Central Neutron Plugin, and is called central
> Neutron server.
> Leverage the Tricircle Central Neutron Plugin and the Tricircle Local
> Neutron Plugin configured in these Neutron servers, the Tricircle can
> ensure the IP address pool, IP/MAC address allocation and network
> segment allocation being managed globally without conflict, and the
> Tricircle handles tenant oriented data link layer(Layer2) or network
> layer(Layer3) networking automation across local Neutron servers,
> resources like VMs, bare metal or containers of the tenant can
> communicate with each other via Layer2 or Layer3, no matter in which
> OpenStack cloud these resources are running on.
> How to start in Tricircle:
> 1. The best entry point for the Tricircle project is its wiki page:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tricircle. Source code repository is
> https://github.com/openstack/tricircle.
> 2. You can play it through devstack:
> https://github.com/openstack/tricircle/blob/master/doc/source/multi-node-
> installation-devstack.rst
> 3. The design blueprint provides general overview on the ongoing discussion
> on the design:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zcxwl8xMEpxVCqLTce2-dUOtB-
> ObmzJTbV1uSQ6qTsY/edit#
> We are trying to tackle common use cases and challenges in OpenStack
> multi-region cloud area, We welcome new contributors who wish to join our
> effort.
> We are holding a weekly IRC meeting:
>     Weekly on Wednesdays at 1300 UTC, IRC channel: #openstack-meeting
> Project IRC channel and other resources could be found here:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tricircle#Resources.
> And everyone is welcome.
> (Neutron subject is also included in the mail title, inter-communication
> and collaboration between Neutron and Tricircle is greatly welcome)
> Best Regards
> Chaoyi Huang (joehuang)
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