[openstack-dev] [tc] Leadership training - ideas to include those not in the room?

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Thu May 26 21:29:10 UTC 2016

On 05/26/2016 05:01 PM, Colette Alexander wrote:
> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Anita Kuno <anteaya at anteaya.info> wrote:
>> I personally think that for any environment to be able to foster
>> personal growth the environment has to first and foremost protect the
>> privacy of the individual and the sanctity of the space. Personally I
>> feel that we as a group have lost the ability we used to have to listen
>> to each other in large part because we are expected to be fodder for the
>> public at all times. There is a time and a place for privacy. I had
>> hoped this event would cultivate this very necessary environment.
>> As for what others read or what others write, that is up to them. But I
>> do hope they are encouraged to internalize, examine and process the
>> event rather than just consider themselves a voice for the non present
>> as that diminishes significantly from any possible benefit that could be
>> gained by those attending. I hope this isn't just another lost opportunity.
>> I don't know if we have considered the cost of having to be constantly
>> on display but there is a cost and I think we are all paying the price.
> I should add, I guess, that I doubt there will be any room for laptops
> being open or online reaction to activities as-they-happen. there
> might be time to reflect on sections of the training at lunch times,
> or breaks, or after our day is done, and I wanted to give that option
> to folks who felt like sharing their thoughts in a more informal
> setting than a blog post. I apologize if it made anyone feel pressured
> to share who doesn't want to - that wasn't my intent at all.
> -colette
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Well I think you have just set the intent for the event that I should be
careful what I say or do since anyone is encouraged to blog my
statements or actions in their blog post. I will comply with
expectations, but I must say I had expected an intent that valued my
personal privacy higher for what was billed in my mind anyway as a
leadership training event.


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