[openstack-dev] [PTLs][all][mentoring] Mentors needed in specific technical areas

Mike Perez thingee at gmail.com
Tue May 24 21:36:04 UTC 2016

On 12:54 May 24, Augustina Ragwitz wrote:
> Hi Emily,
> I'm the Nova Mentoring Czar and we have a Wiki page with a list of
> projects that would be good for new contributors:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Mentoring
> For Nova, I'd encourage potential contributors to get involved with a
> specific project so that mentoring can happen organically. Interested
> folks are more than welcome to reach out to me, preferably by email.

There's an assumption here that all projects have things in place to begin
mentoring people. With the people we've spoken to, sometimes just reaching on
IRC gave no answers. This is actually matching people to someone who has
knowledge and is interested/has time to mentor. Even if a match can't be made
right away, communication is made. First impressions with on boarding is key.

Mike Perez

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