[openstack-dev] [ironic] Midcycle: virtual or physical?
Jim Rollenhagen
jim at jimrollenhagen.com
Thu May 12 12:49:43 UTC 2016
Friendly reminder to take this poll; I see at least a few cores missing
// jim
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 03:32:23PM +0000, Loo, Ruby wrote:
> The poll closes Sunday night/Monday morning. Ie, whenever Jim gets around to looking at the numbers Monday (May 16) morning, before our weekly ironic meeting :)
> ‹ruby
> On 2016-05-09, 6:24 PM, "Jim Rollenhagen" <jim at jimrollenhagen.com> wrote:
> >Hey all,
> >
> >In this morning's meetings we discussed having a virtual midcycle again
> >this cycle, versus a physical midcycle.
> >
> >Pros of virtual:
> >
> >* More people can attend (we'd be missing a significant portion of our
> > core team at a physical midcycle)
> >* Lower cost for employers
> >* It went very well last time!
> >
> >Cons of virtual:
> >
> >* No face-to-face non-work interaction (this is the main reason I hear)
> >* Somewhat lower bandwidth
> >* No whiteboards
> >
> >We seem to be about 50-50 split on this, so I'd like to ask for your
> >preference. Here's a poll, please take it:
> >
> >http://doodle.com/poll/4vm5ea28t3qyn7bp
> >
> >Also note that if we do have a physical midcycle, that doesn't mean we
> >can't also have some virtual meetups during the cycle :)
> >
> >// jim
> >
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