[openstack-dev] [ironic] Newton priorities and primary contacts
Jim Rollenhagen
jim at jimrollenhagen.com
Wed May 4 20:52:16 UTC 2016
On Wed, May 04, 2016 at 02:29:34PM -0400, Ruby Loo wrote:
> Hi,
> At the Austin summit, we had a session where we discussed and decided on
> what the top priorities would be for ironic, in the newton development
> cycle. The etherpad [1] captures that discussion, and there is a patch up
> to add the newton priorities to our specs [2].
> Everyone, and in particular all ironic cores, should take a look at the
> priorities [2] because as a community, we should all have the same
> understanding and be working towards the same goals. Of course, side goals
> are fine too :D
> I also wanted to mention the primary contacts for these priorities, because
> I'm not sure that I have the same understanding as others, as to what it
> means.
> My understanding is that the primary contacts are the folks that would take
> the lead for an item. Their responsibilities would include knowing the
> status of it, and to do their 'best' to get it done, regardless of whether
> they themselves did the design, code, documentation, review, etc. Ideally,
> I'd prefer to see one primary contact per item, but if people want to work
> together, that is fine, as long as it works.
I agree with this description, and I would like folks to go back and
comment on the patch if their name is on something they want to be
responsible for by this definition.
However, I would like more than one person per thing, because 1) HA, and
2) they can help keep each other accountable.
// jim
> If you are interested in a particular feature on this list, or would like
> to contribute code towards that end, or would like to help review, or test,
> that is wonderful and I thank you so much for your interest and desire to
> contribute. However, I would really like to see primary contacts do more,
> as described above. To take responsibility and (try to) commit the
> time/effort it will take to see this priority items through.
> Is this in line with what others think/expect from the primary contacts?
> --ruby
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ironic-newton-summit-priorities
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/311530/
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