[openstack-dev] [TaskFlow] TaskFlow persistence
Nikhil Komawar
nik.komawar at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 21:48:48 UTC 2016
Just throwing this out there:
May be the sessions are open o_O? If you're using sqlalchemy to talk to
the DB then may be open and close the sessions per transaction than keep
them open for all threads?
On 3/23/16 3:49 PM, pnkk wrote:
> Joshua,
> We are performing few scaling tests for our solution and see that
> there are errors as below:
> Failed saving logbook 'cc6f5cbd-c2f7-4432-9ca6-fff185cf853b'\n InternalError: (pymysql.err.InternalError) (1205, u'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction') [SQL: u'UPDATE logbooks SET created_at=%s, updated_at=%s, meta=%s, name=%s, uuid=%s WHERE logbooks.uuid = %s'] [parameters: (datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 18, 18, 16, 40), datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 23, 3, 3, 44, 95395), u'{}', u'test', u'cc6f5cbd-c2f7-4432-9ca6-fff185cf853b', u'cc6f5cbd-c2f7-4432-9ca6-fff185cf853b')]"
> We have about 800 flows as of now and each flow is updated in the same logbook in a separate eventlet thread.
> Every thread calls save_logbook() on the same logbook record. I think this function is trying to update logbook record even though my usecase needs only flow details to be inserted and it doesn't update any information related to logbook.
> Probably one of the threads was holding the lock while updating, and others tried for lock and failed after the default interval has elapsed.
> I can think of few alternatives at the moment:
> 1. Increase the number of logbooks
> 2. Increase the innodb_lock_wait_timeout
> 3. There are some suggestions to make the innodb transaction isolation level to "READ COMMITTED" instead of "REPEATABLE READ", but I am not very familiar of the side effects they can cause
> Appreciate your thoughts on given alternatives or probably even better alternative
> Thanks,
> Kanthi
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at fastmail.com
> <mailto:harlowja at fastmail.com>> wrote:
> Lingxian Kong wrote:
> Kanthi, sorry for chiming in, I suggest you may have a chance
> to take
> a look at Mistral[1], which is the workflow as a service in
> OpenStack(or without OpenStack).
> Out of curiosity, why? Seems the ML post was about 'TaskFlow
> persistence' not mistral, just saying (unsure how it is relevant
> to mention mistral in this)...
> Back to getting more coffee...
> -Josh
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