[openstack-dev] [release][all][ptl] preparing to create stable/mitaka branches for libraries
Amrith Kumar
amrith at tesora.com
Wed Mar 9 18:41:07 UTC 2016
>> openstack/python-troveclient 2.1.0
Trove isn't there yet. You are aware of the conversation(s) we're having about this, and there are two.
One is the FFE which requires a client change, and the second is the backwards compatibility issue that Matt raised yesterday.
Amrith Kumar, CTO | amrith at tesora.com
Tesora, Inc | @amrithkumar
125 CambridgePark Drive, Suite 400 | http://www.tesora.com
Cambridge, MA. 02140 | GPG: 0x5e48849a9d21a29b
On 03/09/2016 12:26 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> It's time to start opening the stable branches for libraries. I've
> prepared a list of repositories and the proposed versions from which
> we will create stable/mitaka branches, and need each team to sign off on
> the versions. If you know you intend to release a bug fix version in
> the next couple of days, we can wait to avoid having to backport
> patches, but otherwise we should go ahead and create the branches.
> I will process each repository as I hear from the owning team.
> openstack/ceilometermiddleware 0.4.0
> openstack/django_openstack_auth 2.2.0
> openstack/glance_store 0.13.0
> openstack/ironic-lib 1.1.0
> openstack/keystoneauth 2.3.0
> openstack/keystonemiddleware 4.3.0
> openstack/os-brick 1.1.0
> openstack/os-client-config 1.16.0
> openstack/pycadf 2.1.0
> openstack/python-barbicanclient 4.0.0
> openstack/python-brick-cinderclient-ext 0.1.0
> openstack/python-ceilometerclient 2.3.0
> openstack/python-cinderclient 1.6.0
> openstack/cliff 2.0.0
> openstack/python-designateclient 2.0.0
> openstack/python-glanceclient 2.0.0
> openstack/python-heatclient 1.0.0
> openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client 1.5.0
> openstack/python-ironicclient 1.2.0
> openstack/python-keystoneclient 2.3.1
> openstack/python-manilaclient 1.8.0
> openstack/python-neutronclient 4.1.1
> openstack/python-novaclient 3.3.0
> openstack/python-saharaclient 0.13.0
> openstack/python-swiftclient 3.0.0
> openstack/python-troveclient 2.1.0
> openstack/python-zaqarclient 1.0.0
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