This is in reference to bug: The liberty documentation set has the octavia.conf section: The current Mitaka documentation does not have an octavia.conf section: It appears that the octavia.conf settings documentation was deleted from the Mitaka docs here: It has been pointed out that this was due to this e-mail chain: That said, Octavia is the reference driver implementation for neutron-lbaas and it is important that we continue to provide documentation for users of neutron-lbaas. Armando is asking us to update this documentation for the Mitaka release, but we are unable to do so. Can someone help me with instructions on what I need to do to restore this documentation for the Mitaka release? I am not familiar with the xml->rst changes that have occurred so I need some help. In the docs channel and on the bug I have had advice to use pandoc to convert the liberty xml to rst and check it in. This does not seem right as the other files say they are auto-generated. I'm just looking for a way to get this restored so we can update them for the Mitaka release. Thanks, Michael