[openstack-dev] [Kolla] [Fuel] [tc] Looks like Mirantis is getting Fuel CCP (docker/k8s) kicked off

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Thu Jul 28 18:38:12 UTC 2016

On 28/07/16 14:20, Jay Pipes wrote:
> How would guidance from the TC about what it means for a repo to be
> "part of the OpenStack tent" add clarity for repos that are not trying
> to be part of the OpenStack tent?

If it were clear what it means for a repo to be "part of the OpenStack 
tent" then it would be obvious to *everyone* which ones should be and 
which ones should not. As it is there are two different interpretations 
from which follow two different conclusions as to whether the Right 
Thing(TM) is happening, causing unnecessary wailing and gnashing of 
teeth. Please re-read my original message on this subject for a full 


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