[openstack-dev] [Kolla] [Fuel] [tc] Looks like Mirantis is getting Fuel CCP (docker/k8s) kicked off

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Thu Jul 28 18:32:31 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

> How would guidance from the TC about what it means for a repo to be "part
> of the OpenStack tent" add clarity for repos that are not trying to be part
> of the OpenStack tent?
> Just curious here...

Related, ​Flavio asked about this earlier, and I don't think it was

Is the issue with the use of the Fuel name?  Would the concern remain if
the repository was called "pancakes-ccp" instead of "fuel-ccp"?

Russell Bryant​
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