[openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource under /bays

Kyle Kelley rgbkrk at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 03:42:07 UTC 2016

What are the reasons for keeping /containers?

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Hongbin Lu <hongbin.lu at huawei.com> wrote:

> Disagree.
> If the container managing part is removed, Magnum is just a COE deployment
> tool. This is really a scope-mismatch IMO. The middle ground I can see is
> to have a flag that allows operators to turned off the container managing
> part. If it is turned off, COEs are not managed by Magnum and requests sent
> to the /container endpoint will return a reasonable error code. Thoughts?
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
> *From:* Mike Metral [mailto:mike.metral at rackspace.com]
> *Sent:* January-15-16 6:24 PM
> *To:* openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource
> under /bays
> I too believe that the /containers endpoint is obstructive to the overall
> goal of Magnum.
> IMO, Magnum’s scope should *only* be concerned with:
>    1. Provisioning the underlying infrastructure required by the
>    Container Orchestration Engine (COE) and
>    2. Instantiating the COE itself on top of said infrastructure from
>    step #1.
> Anything further regarding Magnum interfacing or interacting with
> containers starts to get into a gray area that could easily evolve into:
>    - Potential race conditions between Magnum and the designated COE and
>    - Would create design & implementation overhead and debt that could
>    bite us in the long run seeing how all COE’s operate & are based off
>    various different paradigms in terms of describing & managing containers,
>    and this divergence will only continue to grow with time.
>    - Not to mention, the recreation of functionality around managing
>    containers in Magnum seems redundant in nature as this is the very reason
>    to want to use a COE in the first place – because it’s a more suited tool
>    for the task
> If there is low-hanging fruit in terms of common functionality across
> *all* COE’s, then those generic capabilities *could* be abstracted and
> integrated into Magnum, but these have to be carefully examined beforehand
> to ensure true parity exists for the capability across all COE’s.
> However, I still worry that going down this route toes the line that
> Magnum should and could be a part of the managing container story to some
> degree – which again should be the sole responsibility of the COE, not
> Magnum.
> I’m in favor of doing away with the /containers endpoint – continuing with
> it just looks like a snowball of scope-mismatch and management issues just
> waiting to happen.
> Mike Metral
> Product Architect – Private Cloud R&D - Rackspace
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Hongbin Lu <hongbin.lu at huawei.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:59 PM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource
> under /bays
> In short, the container IDs assigned by Magnum are independent of the
> container IDs assigned by Docker daemon. Magnum do the IDs mapping before
> doing a native API call. In particular, here is how it works.
> If users create a container through Magnum endpoint, Magnum will do the
> followings:
> 1.       Generate a uuid (if not provided).
> 2.       Call Docker Swarm API to create a container, with its hostname
> equal to the generated uuid.
> 3.       Persist container to DB with the generated uuid.
> If users perform an operation on an existing container, they must provide
> the uuid (or the name) of the container (if name is provided, it will be
> used to lookup the uuid). Magnum will do the followings:
> 1.       Call Docker Swarm API to list all containers.
> 2.       Find the container whose hostname is equal to the provided uuid,
> record its “docker_id” that is the ID assigned by native tool.
> 3.       Call Docker Swarm API with “docker_id” to perform the operation.
> Magnum doesn’t assume all operations to be routed through Magnum
> endpoints. Alternatively, users can directly call the native APIs. In this
> case, the created resources are not managed by Magnum and won’t be
> accessible through Magnum’s endpoints.
> Hope it is clear.
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
> *From:* Kyle Kelley [mailto:kyle.kelley at RACKSPACE.COM
> <kyle.kelley at RACKSPACE.COM>]
> *Sent:* January-14-16 11:39 AM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource
> under /bays
> This presumes a model where Magnum is in complete control of the IDs of
> individual containers. How does this work with the Docker daemon?
> > In Rest API, you can set the “uuid” field in the json request body
> (this is not supported in CLI, but it is an easy add).​
> In the Rest API for Magnum or Docker? Has Magnum completely broken away
> from exposing native tooling - are all container operations assumed to be
> routed through Magnum endpoints?
> > For the idea of nesting container resource, I prefer not to do that if
> there are alternatives or it can be work around. IMO, it sets a
> limitation that a container must have a bay, which might not be the case in
> future. For example, we might add a feature that creating a container will
> automatically create a bay. If a container must have a bay on creation,
> such feature is impossible.
> If that's *really* a feature you need and are fully involved in designing
> for, this seems like a case where creating a container via these
> endpoints would create a bay and return the full resource+subresource.
> Personally, I think these COE endpoints need to not be in the main spec,
> to reduce the surface area until these are put into further use.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Hongbin Lu <hongbin.lu at huawei.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 13, 2016 5:00 PM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource
> under /bays
> Hi Jamie,
> I would like to clarify several things.
> First, a container uuid is intended to be unique globally (not within
> individual cluster). If you create a container with duplicated uuid, the
> creation will fail regardless of its bay. Second, you are in control of the
> uuid of the container that you are going to create. In Rest API, you can
> set the “uuid” field in the json request body (this is not supported in
> CLI, but it is an easy add). If a uuid is provided, Magnum will use it as
> the uuid of the container (instead of generating a new uuid).
> For the idea of nesting container resource, I prefer not to do that if
> there are alternatives or it can be work around. IMO, it sets a limitation
> that a container must have a bay, which might not be the case in future.
> For example, we might add a feature that creating a container will
> automatically create a bay. If a container must have a bay on creation,
> such feature is impossible.
> Best regards,
> Hongbin
> *From:* Jamie Hannaford [mailto:jamie.hannaford at rackspace.com
> <jamie.hannaford at rackspace.com>]
> *Sent:* January-13-16 4:43 AM
> *To:* openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> *Subject:* [openstack-dev] [magnum] Nesting /containers resource under
> /bays
> I've recently been gathering feedback about the Magnum API and one of the
> things that people commented on​ was the global /containers endpoints. One
> person highlighted the danger of UUID collisions:
> """
> It takes a container ID which is intended to be unique within that
> individual cluster. Perhaps this doesn't matter, considering the surface
> for hash collisions. You're running a 1% risk of collision on the shorthand
> container IDs:
> In [14]: n = lambda p,H: math.sqrt(2*H * math.log(1/(1-p)))
> In [15]: n(.01, 0x1000000000000)
> Out[15]: 2378620.6298183016
> (this comes from the Birthday Attack -
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_attack)
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_attack>
> The main reason I questioned this is that we're not in control of how the
> hashes are created whereas each Docker node or Swarm cluster will pick a
> new ID under collisions. We don't have that guarantee when aggregating
> across.
> The use case that was outlined appears to be aggregation and reporting.
> That can be done in a different manner than programmatic access to single
> containers.​
> """
> Representing a resource without reference to its parent resource also goes
> against the convention of many other OpenStack APIs.
> Nesting a container resource under its parent bay would mitigate both of
> these issues:
> /bays/{uuid}/containers/{uuid}​
> I'd like to get feedback from folks in the Magnum team and see if anybody
> has differing opinions about this.
> Jamie
> ------------------------------
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Kyle Kelley (@rgbkrk <https://twitter.com/rgbkrk>; lambdaops.com)
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