[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev][Manila] BP https://blueprints.launchpad.net/manila/+spec/access-groups
nidhi.hada at wipro.com
nidhi.hada at wipro.com
Fri Feb 26 09:52:18 UTC 2016
Hi Manila Team,
I am working on
For this I have created initial document as attached with the mail.
It contains DB CLI REST API related changes.
Could you please have a look and share your opinion.
Kindly let me know, if there is some understanding gap,
or something I have missed to document or
share your comments in general to make it better.
Thank you.
Nidhi Mittal Hada
Architect | PES / COE - Kolkata India
Wipro Limited
M +91 74 3910 9883 | O +91 33 3095 4767 | VOIP +91 33 3095 4767
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