[openstack-dev] [oslo] upgrade implications of lots of content in paste.ini

Mike Perez thingee at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 15:48:06 UTC 2016

On 02/17/2016 09:26 AM, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
> We (that is, the cores, contributors, and consumers that I've been
> collaborating with over the past year on this) came to the consensus
> that leaving the cors middleware as generic & configurable as possible
> was preferable, and that an openstack-specific version that
> automatically initializes itself from keystone's service catalog and
> trusted dashboards might be a next step. I'm sure the oslo core team can
> chime in, but the arguments that I recall were:

I think in the future utilizing the cross-project meetings [1] can help 
get more eyes on this, so this isn't a surprise to some. The meeting has 
been revived significantly, so it's more useful than ever for participation.

[1] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/CrossProjectMeeting

Mike Perez

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