[openstack-dev] [fuel] Move virtualbox scripts to a separate directory

Vladimir Kozhukalov vkozhukalov at mirantis.com
Mon Feb 15 14:16:01 UTC 2016

Dear colleagues,

I'd like to announce that we are next to moving fuel-main/virtualbox
directory to a separate git repository. This directory contains a set of
bash scripts that could be used to easily deploy Fuel environment and try
to deploy OpenStack cluster using Fuel. Virtualbox is used as a
virtualization layer.

Checklist for this change is as follows:

   1. Launchpad bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1544271
   2. project-config patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/279074/2 (ON
   3. prepare upstream (DONE) https://github.com/kozhukalov/fuel-virtualbox
   4. .gitreview file (TODO)
   5. .gitignore file (TODO)
   7. remove old files from fuel-main (TODO)

Virtualbox directory is not actively changed, so freezing this directory
for a while is not going to affect the development process significantly.
>From this moment virtualbox directory is declared freezed and all changes
in this directory that are currently in work should be later backported to
the new git repository (fuel-virtualbox).

Vladimir Kozhukalov
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