[openstack-dev] [all][tc] Proposal: Separate design summits from OpenStack conferences

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Mon Feb 8 14:58:42 UTC 2016

On 02/08/2016 09:42 AM, Anita Kuno wrote:
> On 02/08/2016 04:09 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Jay Pipes wrote:
>>> tl;dr
>>> =====
>>> I have long thought that the OpenStack Summits have become too
>>> commercial and provide little value to the software engineers
>>> contributing to OpenStack.
>>> I propose the following:
>>> 1) Separate the design summits from the conferences
>>> 2) Hold only a single OpenStack conference per year
>>> 3) Return the design summit to being a low-key, low-cost working event
>>> [...]
>> I agree with most of the things that have been said so far. I think the
>> upstream community can't really get its work done in the current
>> setting,
> Sounds like we have some agreement on this point.
>> and that it's too costly for companies to send most of their
>> developers to classy hotels in expensive cities. I therefore think it
>> would be beneficial to separate the events.
>> I agree that a separated design summit should be in lower-cost venues
>> and smaller cities. But I don't think that the "OpenStack contributor
>> community" can or should directly organize them. I happen to have a foot
>> on both sides, and I can tell you organizing those events is extremely
>> time consuming. I know exactly who would end up with the burden of
>> organizing those events in the end -- and those are the same overworked
>> cross-project core of developers that fill all the gaps in OpenStack.
>> I don't want to risk even more burnout from that group by forcing them
>> into the craziness of organizing such events every 6 months.
> Thank you!
>> I don't
>> think the issue with the Design Summit is that the Foundation staff and
>> FNTech organizes them.
> Shout out to the Foundation staff and FNTech who do such an amazing job
> of creating lovely events so consistently. Thank you, thank you. This
> discussion, as Monty stated early in his post, in no way is any kind of
> reflection of the quality of your work or your dedication to task, which
> is evident in everything you do (including the fabulous feedback
> sessions at the conclusion of the events). This is a reflection of our
> fantastic success and growth. Thanks for your wonderful work!
>> It's mostly my team working on it on the staff
>> side -- and I think Mike Perez and myself qualify as "OpenStack
>> contributor community".
> I agree with that characterization, yes.
>> The issue is with the bundling of the two
>> events, and that can be fixed while still letting a specialized event
>> team do all the heavy lifting.
>> The timing of this thread is unfortunate, since after Tokyo I have
>> actually been working on a solution for separation myself, and the
>> Foundation is finalizing a strawman proposal that should soon be pushed
>> for comments to the community. It involves changes to the main
>> conference event as well.
>> So please stand by while we finalize that: I think you will like the end
>> result.
> Thank you Thierry and team. I look forward to the strawman and
> ruminating on it once proposed.
> Thank you,
> Anita.

I'll also add that for me one of the things I have lost is the space to

I miss listening. I value it.

I hope to have space to listen again in the future structure.

Thank you,

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