[openstack-dev] [kolla][tc] Video Meetings - input requested
Davanum Srinivas
davanum at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 16:06:56 UTC 2016
Seconding Doug's call.
On concrete suggestion from me is to give enough time ahead of the
video meeting so folks who are not able to participate can provide
their input via other medium for consideration during the meeting.
Folks will also be able to chime in about if the time would work or
not for them as well. Definitely please don't make such meetings as a
regular thing for sure.
On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Michał Jastrzębski's message of 2016-12-15 14:57:10 -0600:
>> I will defend this thing as something what we needed at the time.
>> Sometimes heated up video discussion helps to resolve
>> misunderstandings which otherwise could grow up and become conflicts
>> in community, which would be much worse.
>> So please, let's not put artificial rules regarding our communication
>> just to be "inclusive". If there is a will to be inclusive, we can be
>> regardless of tool, if there is none, no tool will help. I will
>> advocate to allow whichever way community decides to work to that
>> community and focus on building culture of inclusiveness.
>> If we have correct mindset, that's all that matters and I, for one, am
>> strong believer that Kolla community has been built on top of this
>> mindset, and we keep doing good job on following it.
> I think most people are agreeing that having video meeings sometimes
> is OK, as long as there is sufficient information published after
> the fact. The reason we log IRC channels and meetings is to establish
> a record that we can refer to when we miss meetings or need to
> refresh our memories of a decision. That just takes extra effort
> for meetings held in other ways.
> I am a bit concerned that you seem to be treating this discussion
> as hypothetical when it is not. Many members of the community have
> explained to you why it is a problem in general, but a member of
> your team has brought you direct complaints about the way these
> meetings are being managed. This is from someone trusted enough to
> act as temporary PTL while you were unable to serve.
> Please re-read the original complaints and the suggestions for
> addressing them in this thread and consider what actions the Kolla
> team can take to improve in this area.
> Doug
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