[openstack-dev] [TripleO] Move redis out of Pacemaker

Pradeep Kilambi prad at redhat.com
Fri Dec 9 15:49:57 UTC 2016

Hey Folks:

I would like to get some thoughts on $Subject. This came up when i was
discussing the standalone roles for telemetry. Currently when we deploy
redis in tripleo, its a pacemaker managed service. So if we were to deploy
telemetry services on a dedicated node we could. But redis will have to be
on a another node? (assuming we dont want to pull in pacemaker on to
telemetry nodes).

With most services moved out of pacemaker in Newton, I think its time to
move redis as well? Are there any constraints in moving redis to be managed
by systemd? Looking at how we do it, It should be easily movable to
systemd? Can we consider doing this for Ocata?


~ Prad
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