> On 2 Dec 2016, at 14:49, Jason HU <huzhijiang at gmail.com> wrote: > 1. Will Glance use Cinder volume as storage automatically when I enable Cinder? The default store for Glance is “file" when not using Ceph. https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/blob/master/ansible/roles/glance/templates/glance-api.conf.j2#L68-L71 You can change this by using custom configurations (http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kolla/advanced-configuration.html#openstack-service-configuration-in-kolla). > 2. I heard that kolla has a third party plugin method which can be used to do some setup on target node. Can it be used to setup the cinder-volume vg? Is there any example on doing this? http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kolla/image-building.html#plugin-functionality We support a plugin functionality for our Docker templates. I think it is better to create the required volume group with a custom Ansible playbook during the bootstrap of your storage node. > 3. The storage system is HDS AMS2300 which seems do not supported by any Cinder driver. So I have to use LVM backend. According to the cinder/glance bug mentioned in Kolla doc, does it mean that I can not deploy multi-controller scenario, unless using Ceph? Check if you can use the HDS AMS2300 as external iSCSI storage (http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kolla/cinder-guide.html#cinder-back-end-with-external-iscsi-storage). I think the use of LVM2 / iSCSI as a layer before the storage backend is not a good idea. HTH, Christian. -- Christian Berendt Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mail: berendt at betacloud-solutions.de Web: https://www.betacloud-solutions.de Betacloud Solutions GmbH Teckstrasse 62 / 70190 Stuttgart / Deutschland Geschäftsführer: Christian Berendt Unternehmenssitz: Stuttgart Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, HRB 756139