[openstack-dev] [Heat][Horizon] Any guidelines for naming heat resource type names?
Rob Cresswell
robert.cresswell at outlook.com
Tue Aug 16 22:22:22 UTC 2016
This sounds like a bug on the Horizon side. There is/was a patch regarding a similar issue with LBaaS v2 resources too. It's likely just an incorrect assumption in the logic processing these names.
On 16 Aug 2016 11:03 p.m., "Zane Bitter" <zbitter at redhat.com<mailto:zbitter at redhat.com>> wrote:
On 16/08/16 17:43, Praveen Yalagandula wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have developed some heat resources for our custom API server. We
> followed the instructions in the development guide
> at http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/pluginguide.html and got
> everything working. However, the Horizon "Resource Types" panel is
> returning a 500 error with "TemplateSyntaxError: u'resource'" message.
> Upon further debugging, we found that the Horizon is expecting all Heat
> resource type names to be of form
> <implementation>::<component>::<resource>. However, we didn't see this
> requirement in the heat development documents. Some of our resource
> types have just two words (e.g., "Avi::Pool"). Heat itself didn't care
> about these names at all.
Given that Heat has a REST API specifically for validating templates,
it's surprising that Horizon would implement its own, apparently
incorrect, validation.
> Question: Is there a general consensus is to enforce
> the <implementation>::<component>::<resource> format for type names?
No. We don't really care what you call them (although using OS:: or
AWS:: as a prefix for your own custom types would be very unwise). In
fact, Heat allows you to specify a URL of a template file as a resource
type, and it sounds like that might run afoul of the same restriction.
> If so, can we please update the heat plugin guide to reflect this?
> If not, we can file it is as a bug in Horizon.
+1 for bug in Horizon.
- ZB
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