[openstack-dev] [glare][kolla][odm] timing of release of glare and request for technical interview on IRC wherever the glare team wants to have it

Steven Dake (stdake) stdake at cisco.com
Mon Aug 8 16:36:54 UTC 2016

Mike was kind enough to drop by the IRC channel today to help the
operational deployment managers (ODMs) understand the impact of Glare for
technical planning purposes.

The log of the discussion is here:

Thanks again Mike.


On 8/8/16, 8:01 AM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

>On 08/08/2016 07:48 AM, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:
>> Cool thanks for the response.  Appreciate it.  I think the big take away
>> is all the ODMs are free from churn in Newton and have a full cycle to
>> adapt to the changes which is great news!
>Yes, that is absolutely the case.
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