[openstack-dev] OSC transition

Na Zhu nazhu at cn.ibm.com
Tue Apr 26 12:19:53 UTC 2016

Dear All,

I have a question about OSC transition, recently, the community approves 
moving bgp out of neutron, as a service like other *aas. The BGP CLIs need 
be removed from neutronclient. Because of OSC transition, I can not just 
move the BGP CLIs code from python-neutronclient repo to 
neutron-dynamic-routing repo. I have to refactor the code and do 
transition to OSC plugin system.
>From the link 
the client has a separate repo, take designate as example, the CLI repo is 
python-designateclient, the project repo is designate. So for BGP, should 
I create a repo for CLI, or leverage project repo neutron-dynamic-routing?

Juno Zhu
IBM China Development Labs (CDL) Cloud IaaS Lab
Email: nazhu at cn.ibm.com
5F, Building 10, 399 Keyuan Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New 
District, Shanghai, China (201203)

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