[openstack-dev] [cinder][openstackclient] Required name option for volumes, snapshots and backups

Jay Bryant jsbryant at electronicjungle.net
Tue Apr 5 14:30:20 UTC 2016


Agreed, but the OSC team is concerned about unnecessarily adding API names
into commands as much as the Cinder team wishes to make it clearer which
commands belong to our component. This is where we need to keep this
discussion open with the OSC team to find a good common ground. I am hoping
to have Slade Baumann and Jacob Gregor work this issue actively with Sheel.
We need to pull you in as well given your views on this. I will make sure
they keep you in the loop.


On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:24 AM Duncan Thomas <duncan.thomas at gmail.com>

> What about commands the become ambiguous in the future? I doubt there are
> many operations or objects that are unique to Cinder - backup, snapshot,
> transfer, group, type - these are all very much generic, and even if they
> aren't ambiguous now, they might well become so in future...
> On 5 April 2016 at 17:15, Jay Bryant <jsbryant at electronicjungle.net>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> Just to document the discussion we had during the OSC IRC meeting last
>> week: I believe the consensus we reached was that it wasn't appropriate to
>> pretend "volume" before all Cinder commands but that it would be
>> appropriate to move in that direction to for any commands that may be
>> ambiguous like "snapshot". The cinder core development team will start
>> working with the OSC development teams to address such commands and move
>> them to more user friendly commands and as we move forward we will work to
>> avoid such confusion in the future.
>> Jay
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 1:15 PM Dean Troyer <dtroyer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Mike Perez <thingee at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 00:40 Mar 28, Jordan Pittier wrote:
>>>> > I am going to play the devil's advocate here but why can"t
>>>> > python-openstackclient have its own opinion on the matter ? This CLI
>>>> seems
>>>> > to be for humans and humans love names/labels/tags and find UUIDS
>>>> hard to
>>>> > remember. Advanced users who want anonymous volumes can always hit
>>>> the API
>>>> > directly with curl or whatever SDK.
>>>> I suppose it could, however, names are not unique.
>>> Names are not unique in much of OpenStack.  When ambiguity exists, we
>>> exit with an error.
>>> Also, this works to produce a volume with no name should you absolutely
>>> require it:
>>> openstack volume create --size 10 ""
>>> dt
>>> --
>>> Dean Troyer
>>> dtroyer at gmail.com
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> Duncan Thomas
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