[openstack-dev] [Congress] hands on lab

Alex Yip ayip at vmware.com
Thu Oct 1 16:44:53 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I updated the hands-on lab.

Here's the newest version of the instructions:


Here's the newest version of the VirtualBox image:


Please give it a try and let me know if you run into any problems.

- Alex

From: Tim Hinrichs <tim at styra.com>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 10:54 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Congress] hands on lab

Hi Alex,

I went through the HOL.  Some feedback...

1.  When starting up, it paused for a while showing the following messages.  Maybe that caused the issues I mention below.
Waiting for network configuration...
Waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration...

2.  Maybe spell out the first paragraph of "Starting the Devstack VM".  Maybe something like....

To run the devstack VM, first install VirtualBox.  Then download the image from XXX and start the VM.  (From VirtualBox's File menu, Import Appliance and then choose the file you downloaded.)

Now you'll want to ssh to the VM from your laptop so it's easier to copy and paste.  (The VM is setup to use bridge networking with DHCP.) To find the IP address, login to the VM through the console.

username: congress
password: congress

Run ‘ifconfig’ to get the IP address of the VM for eth0

$ ifconfig eth0

Now open a terminal from your laptop and ssh to that IP address using the same username and password from above.

<instructions for getting devstack running>

Now that devstack is running, you can point your laptop's browser to the VM's IP address you found earlier to use Horizon.

 3. Connection problems.
Horizon.  The browser brought up the login screen but gave me the message "Unable to establish connection to keystone endpoint." after I provided admin/password.

Congress.  From the congress log I see connection errors happening for keystone and neutron.

Looking at the Keystone screen log I don't see much of anything.  Here's the API log in its entirety.  Seems it hasn't gotten any requests today (Sept 28). - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:08 -0700] "POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 4287 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 52799(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:08 -0700] "GET /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 7655 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 65278(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:08 -0700] "POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 4287 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 63428(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:08 -0700] "GET /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 7655 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 135994(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:09 -0700] "POST /v2.0/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 4287 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 56581(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:09 -0700] "GET /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 7655 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 55412(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:12 -0700] "GET /v2.0/users HTTP/1.1" 200 1679 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 13630(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:12 -0700] "GET /v2.0/OS-KSADM/roles HTTP/1.1" 200 397 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 10940(us) - - [17/Sep/2015:12:05:12 -0700] "GET /v2.0/tenants HTTP/1.1" 200 752 "-" "python-keystoneclient" 12387(us)

The VM has eth0 bridged.  I can ping google.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__google.com&d=BQMFaQ&c=Sqcl0Ez6M0X8aeM67LKIiDJAXVeAw-YihVMNtXt-uEs&r=djA1lFdIf0--GIJ_8gr44Q&m=ljhoO2bNd5MUext7mNU0kFU56cbIs54xfSPMRX5C8As&s=Vs9VhbXru7JNzccLA0wFNrG1XIDBDtDWe5ia39s12PQ&e=> from inside the VM; I can ssh to the VM from my laptop.

Any ideas what's going on?  (I'm trying to unstack/clean/stack to see if that works, but it'll take a while.)


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 6:05 PM Alex Yip <ayip at vmware.com<mailto:ayip at vmware.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
I have created a VirtualBox VM that matches the Vancouver handson-lab here:


There's also an updated instruction document here:


If you have some time, please try it out to see if it all works as expected.
thanks, Alex

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