[openstack-dev] [all] Time to increase our IRC Meetings infrastructure?

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Tue Nov 24 10:35:34 UTC 2015

Tony Breeds wrote:
> [...]
> I understand that we want to keep the number of parallel meetings to a minimum,
> but is it time to add #openstack-meeting-5?

Some slots are taken by groups that have not been holding meetings for
quite a long time. For good hygiene, I'd like us to clean those up
/before/ we consider adding a new meeting channel. It might well still
be necessary to create a new channel after the cleanup, but we need to
do that first.

It's a bit of a painful work (especially for teams without a clear
meeting_id) so it's been safely staying at the bottom of my TODO list
for a while...

> [...]
> Confusion
> =========
>     So this is really quite trivial.  As you can see above we don't have an
> #openstack-meeting-2 channel the ...-alt is clearly that, but still people are
> confused.  How would people feel about creating #openstack-meeting-2 and making
> it redirect to #openstack-meeting-alt?

I'd rather standardize and rename -alt to -2 (i.e. redirect -alt to -2
on IRC, and bulk-change all meetings YAML from -alt to -2).

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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