[openstack-dev] [infra][glance] How do we fix the glance_store git > glance-store LP mapping?

Ian Cordasco ian.cordasco at RACKSPACE.COM
Thu Nov 19 17:13:13 UTC 2015

On 11/19/15, 10:00, "Matt Riedemann" <mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

>Patches in Gerrit aren't syncing status to the glance-store project in
>launchpad b/c the project in launchpad is called glance-store and in git
>it's glance_store.
>Looking at the project creators guide it says to specify a group for the
>mapping [1] to fix this but glance_store in projects.yaml already has
>that [2].
>I'm having a hard time finding anything in project-config that does the
>bug tracker mapping any other way.
>Is something missing from the docs or does glance-store just need to be
>renamed to glance_store in launchpad?

Have you checked JeepyB to see if there are any recent changes breaking
the use of that mapping? Jeepyb (as I'm guessing you're probably aware)
handles the Gerrit -> Launchpad synchronization/status updates. If the
projects.yaml is correct per the documentation, the bug might be in the
tool the community wrote to handle the integration. Also, can you even
rename a project on launchpad? Is that a thing?

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