[openstack-dev] [trove][zaqar] Trove and Zaqar integration. Summit working session (was: [all] who is the ptl of trove?)

Doug Shelley doug at tesora.com
Mon May 11 16:52:15 UTC 2015


This definitely sounds like a good idea. I know that many of us in the
Trove community will be in Vancouver - what would make sense in terms of
organizing a discussion?


On 2015-05-11, 5:49 AM, "Flavio Percoco" <flavio at redhat.com> wrote:

>On 08/05/15 00:45 -0700, Nikhil Manchanda wrote:
>>>    3)  The trove-guest-agent is in vm. it is connected by taskmanager
>>>    by rabbitmq. We designed it. But is there some prectise to do this?
>>>         how to make the vm be connected in vm-network and management
>>>         network?
>>Most deployments of Trove that I am familiar with set up a separate
>>RabbitMQ server in cloud that is used by Trove. It is not recommended to
>>use the same infrastructure RabbitMQ server for Trove for security
>>reasons. Also most deployments of Trove set up a private (neutron)
>>network that the RabbitMQ server and guests are connected to, and all
>>RPC messages are sent over this network.
>We've discussed trove+zaqar in the past and I believe some folks from the
>Trove team have been in contact with Fei Long lately about this. Since
>one of the projects goal's for this cycle is to provide support to
>other projects and contribute to the adoption, I'm wondering if any of
>the members of the trove team would be willing to participate in a
>Zaqar working session completely dedicated to this integration?
>It'd be a great opportunity to figure out what's really needed, edge
>cases and get some work done on this specific case.
>Flavio Percoco

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