[openstack-dev] Avoiding regression in project governance

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Wed Mar 11 18:24:45 UTC 2015

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015, at 10:16 PM, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-03-10 at 15:23 -0700, James E. Blair wrote:
> > The holy grail of this system would be the "suitable for production
> > deployment" tag, but no one has figured out how to define it yet.
> Are crazy ideas welcome in this phase?
> I start with 2 below: 
> Preface: an idea circulates about visually displaying in a web page the
> projects.yaml file and the tags in there. Visitors would be able to
> browse the list of projects and sort, pick, search and find what they
> need from a nice representation of the 'big tent'. 
> 1) how about we pull the popularity of OpenStack projects as reported in
> the User Survey and display such number on the page where we list the
> projects? What if, together with the objective tags managed by TC and
> community at large, we show also the number of known deployment as
> guidance?
> 2) there are some 'fairly objective' indicators of quality of open
> source code, developed in a handful of academic projects that I'm aware
> of (Calipso and sos-opensource.org come to mind, but there are other).
> Maybe we can build a tool that pulls those metrics from each of our
> repositories and provides more guidance to visitors so they can form
> their own mind?
> Nobody can really vet for 'production ready' but probably we can provide
> data for someone to get a more informed opinion. Too crazy? 

This sort of information would be useful, but I don't think we want to
turn our project governance documentation into a product guide. We
should *have* a product guide, but it should live somewhere else.


> .stef
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