[openstack-dev] [kolla] Mission change suggested by the TC for big tent

Steven Dake (stdake) stdake at cisco.com
Thu Jul 30 15:27:15 UTC 2015

On 7/29/15, 1:23 PM, "Doug Hellmann" <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:

>Excerpts from Steven Dake (stdake)'s message of 2015-07-29 20:07:26 +0000:
>> Doug Hellman of the TC suggested we change the mission statement of
>>Kolla to be a little less specific.  The new mission statement I
>>submitted in the review is here Is basically cutting off the last part
>>of the mission statement sentence:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/206789/
>> If your a Kolla core eviewer, please vote ­1 (indicating you are a core
>>reviewer in the review) if you dislike this change and think we should
>>strive to keep our mission unchanged.  If you don¹t really have a strong
>>preference, please abstain from voting as to not add non-useful
>>information to the review.  Our core team knows what our true mission is
>>and I don¹t think Doug¹s wording changes the mission significantly.
>My intent is not to change it at all, but to remove the "marketing
>fluff", to be consistent with the nature of the missions described
>by most of the other projects.  By all means, hold to those other
>ideals and goals, but in the project list we want the mission to
>say what you're doing as clearly and concisely as possible.


Its all good, I think the change you suggested simplifies the statement
without changing the intent.  We can still do all those other things as
you just indicated if we choose to.

I still want to give the core reviewer team an opportunity to vote on the
change which is why I set the short deadline of Aug 3rd to vote -1 (and
act as a veto vote) which would trigger irc meetings to rework the mission

Thanks for the good feedback, I actually think the modified mission
statement is faster to say which is always a good thing :)


>> I¹ll keep the schedule open until August 3rd and ask the TC to hold off
>>on approving the submitted mission until the core team has not weighed
>>in with a ­1 vote.  A vote of ­1 will count as a veto from the core
>>reviewer team, and we will have to have some kind of super-brainstorming
>>session like we did before to simplify the Kolla mission statement to
>>something the TC would accept.
>> Regards
>> -steve
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