[openstack-dev] how to debug neutron using eclipse pydev?

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Thu Jul 30 15:26:49 UTC 2015

On 07/29/2015 11:42 PM, xueguanwen at hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi,Assaf
> Does PyCharm really works?
> i use Pycharm 3.4.1 and  Gevent debugging Enabled,
> but i still can not step into the place  i want, pycharm will go to 
> thread.py.

I know that with Keystone we needed to run with standard threads, not 
eventlet greenthreads in order to get step by step debugging.

I've been mostly working with RPD, and that has worked well for me. I 
used PyCHarm for a bout a year, but did not renew it, as it doesn't 
really buy me that much when I have to ssh in to a remote machine anyway.

My Write up

> ----- Original Message -----
> >We need to update that page. I haven't used PyDev in years, I use PyCharm.
> >There's an option in PyCharm called 'Enable Gevent debugging' (Gevent is
> >a green threads library very similar to eventlet, which is what we use
> >in OpenStack). I read that PyDev 3.7+ has support for Gevent debugging
> >as well. Can you check if simply enabling that (And not editing any code)
> >solves your issue? If so I can update the wiki with your conclusions.
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