Hello TC members and fellow stackers! We have just submitted a review for project Delux to the OpenStack governance projects list. The mission of Delux is to help the teams improve the overall user experience (UX) of their projects. We provide user research to help teams identify any issues preventing adoption of their services as well as help them validate any efforts to address those issues. In addition, we help the teams ideate and implement solutions to address any existing issues or opportunities. Note that the UX team is not prescriptive; our goal is to collaborate with the other project teams to help them create better experiences. The full proposal can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UX/ProgramProposal Links UX wiki https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UX#Horizon_Proposals User Research wiki https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HorizonUsability_Testing OpenStack UX patterns https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UX/PatternsLibraryOpenStack Invision Community https://openstack.invisionapp.com <https://openstack.invisionapp.com/> Thanks, Piet Kruithof