[openstack-dev] [Cinder][3rd CI] Confused about “*real* storage backend”requirement for 3rd CI.
Asselin, Ramy
ramy.asselin at hp.com
Fri Jan 23 15:49:51 UTC 2015
Another ‘sample’ you can use is here: https://github.com/rasselin/os-ext-testing-data/blob/master/etc/jenkins_jobs/config/dsvm-cinder-driver.yaml.sample#L2
From: Bharat Kumar [mailto:bharat.kobagana at redhat.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:01 PM
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Cinder][3rd CI] Confused about “*real* storage backend”requirement for 3rd CI.
On 01/22/2015 05:39 PM, Duncan Thomas wrote:
Please take a look at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder/tested-3rdParty-drivers to learn how to configure devstack to use your driver rather than LVM.
On 22 January 2015 at 13:28, liuxinguo <liuxinguo at huawei.com<mailto:liuxinguo at huawei.com>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
I received a email named “All Cinder Drivers Must Have a Third Party CI By March 19th 2015” and I feel confused about the “*real* storage backend”.
One of the requirements is: Run Tempest [5][6] volume tests against the devstack environment that's hooked up to your *real* storage backend.
• And my confusion is:
• Every time the CI is triggered by a newly came patch, the 3rd CI will build a new devstack environment and create a default cinder.conf file whick will set the backend to “lvmdriver-1” automatically. And the tempest will run against “lvmdriver-1”. So what’s the meaning for a *real* storage backend since the cinder.conf will be set to use “lvmdriver-1” automatically for every newly came patch ? And how should I configure the cinder.conf file to run the tempest for the newly came driver patch came from different venders since different venders need different configuration for cinder.conf file and need different storage backend. I mean, does our CI should run tempest against our *real* storage backend for every newly came driver patch in cinder?
Yes, by default DevStack configures cinder with "LVM". But we can customize DevStack to configure cinder with our own backend ("real storage backend").
Below is the link to the path, enables Automatic Configuration of GlusterFS for Cinder using devstack:
And also below it the link to Configure CEPH with Cinder using devstack:
Above two are old way of "real storage" plugin implementation. Sean Dague proposed a new way of devstack plugin implementation. Have a look at below two links:
Thanks and regards,
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Duncan Thomas
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Warm Regards,
Bharat Kumar Kobagana
Software Engineer
OpenStack Storage – RedHat India
Mobile - +91 9949278005
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